……And Fifteen Women Farmers Won

……And Fifteen Women Farmers Won

On the 26th to 27th July, 2023, Agrihouse Foundation achieved a resounding success by hosting the fifth edition of the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and the Gold in the Soil Awards. This remarkable event unfolded at the Bedtime Hotel in Koforidua, Eastern Region, under the theme “OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS TO WOMEN AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS.”

Annually, the event moves from Region to Region. In the past five (5) years, it has been held in the Volta Region, Ashanti Region, Upper East, and West Regions, and the Eastern Region. bringing together Women farmers and  stakeholders in Government, Corporate leaders, Policy and Administration, Development-Partner Organizations, Agric institutions, and Resource Persons.

The two day intervention, brought together a gathering of over six hundred (600) participants, including stakeholders, industry leaders, women farmers, and farmers with disabilities. Providing a platform to celebrate accomplishments, facilitate knowledge exchange, and forge a path toward a more inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector.

On the first day, participants engaged in activities, including, panel discussions 10-1 break-out sessions, which provided woman farmers and participants with hands-on educational opportunities. From learning about farm safety to financial management, markets, exports, investments, and farm nutrition, participants also engaged in training workshops, exhibitions, trade shows, speed networking, and mentorship sessions. Empowering them to gain valuable insights, exchange best practices, and forge collaborations that have the potential to reshape the future of agriculture in Ghana.

The second day culminated with the “GOLD IN THE SOIL AWARDS,” where 15 women farmers and farmers with disability were recognized and awarded across 15 different categories. Their stories were highlighted through a documentary series, celebrating their passion, zeal, and desires.

recognizing and honouring exceptional women farmers and women with disabilities who have made remarkable contributions to the agricultural industry. Their unwavering dedication, innovative approaches, and transformative impact were celebrated, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and drive further progress within the sector.


A moment of celebration and recognition unfolded at the 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards as Margaret Agyei, a 38-year-old female farmer from Akim Achiase, stood proudly as the recipient of the coveted Gold in the Soil Award she also took home a tricycle ,knapsacks,fertilizers wellington boots ,irrigation kit,Seeds  among others .

 Her farming prowess is nothing short of extraordinary, as she adeptly manages a diverse range of crops and livestock on her impressive 94-acre farm.From  Palm Plantation, plantain, cassava, maize, cocoa, poultry, goat, grass cutter, rabbit, to cows, her integrated farming approach reflects a harmonious blend of agricultural activities contributing to a sustainable and productive farming landscape.

Expressing her joy and gratitude, Margaret Agyei stated, “I am truly honored and humbled to receive the Gold in the Soil Award. Farming has been my passion, and I am dedicated to making a positive impact on our community and the farming sector as a whole. This award is not just for me; it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of women farmers like me who strive to make a difference.”she stated

Other Winners of the Gold in the Soil Awards also included Nana Felicia Akyeamah ,won the Passion for Farm Award, Mrs. Dzidzinyo K Fianu took home the Change Champion Award, Delali Esi Agyeman won  the Outstanding Woman in Extension Services Award, Lydia Gyebi Asare won the Feed to Food Award, and Abigail Ghama for the She-innovates Award, other winners also included Hajara Mohammed , the She-operates Award, Ernestina Osei-Tutu won the Princess Carla Award, Adwoa Agyeiwaa for the Diamond in the Rough Award, Doris Opokua Hagan for the Climate Smart Award, Faustina Mamle Nartey for the Star Woman Agripreneur Award, Nana Obaapanin Konadu Kontie ii  took home the Royal Agro Award, Global Affairs Canada and World Food Program also received the Honorary  Development Partner Award .

This year, Agrihouse Foundation also awarded and celebrated all women farmers with disabilities under the super women awards category ,for their hard work and dedication to farming,who irrespective of their challenges are thriving to make an impact for themselves .

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa Sarpong, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, commended all the winners of the gold in the soil awards for their immense contributions to the agricultural sector, stating, “Theri  remarkable success in farming exemplifies the spirit of the Gold in the Soil Award. It recognizes and celebrates the outstanding efforts of women farmers who play a critical role in driving our nation’s agricultural growth and food security.”

The fifth WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards  organized by Agrihouse Foundation in partnership with Global Affairs Canada, World Food Program, YARA, and RDF Ghana LBG, with collaborating institutions including the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), Eastern Regional Agricultural Directorate, Women in Agriculture Development (WIAD), the National Farmers and Fishermen Award Winners Association (NFFAWAG), and the Eastern Regional Coordinating Council.

Other sponsors for the 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards included Interplast Limited, Ghana Exim Bank, Browngi Tractors and Implements, RST Machinery Limited, Rainbow Agrosciences, HJA Africa, Moudlyne Gh. Ltd, The Hunger Project, and C-Mativents.

Distinguished guest  at the fifth  included, Honourable Yaw Frimpong Addo, Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Crops); Madam Hajia Habiba Yusifu, Eastern Regional Director for Agriculture; Dr. Comfort Acheampong, Coordinator for Ghana National Egg Campaign Secretariat; Madam Kathleen Flynn -Dapaah, Director and Head of Cooperation, Global Affairs Canada; Madam Candace Holt, Agriculture Sector Lead at the High Commission of Canada in Ghana; Mr. Kudjoe Agbenyega, Acting Managing Director for YARA Ghana; Seli Abena Azanku, Communications Officer for RDF Ghana LBG; Tani Aduko Bukari, Programme Policy Officer for Gender and Youth Inclusion at the World Food Programme (WFP); as well as students, heads, and members of women farmers’ groups.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa – Recognizing and Celebrating the Invaluable Contributions of Women Farmers

In her welcoming address, Madam Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, illuminated the significance of inclusivity and empowerment for women with disabilities in the agricultural sector. She underscored the pivotal role women farmers play in Ghana’s agricultural landscape, emphasizing their dedication and resilience in advancing the sector. “We must recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of women farmers who serve as the backbone of our agricultural communities.

‘’Their tireless work and unwavering commitment ensure food security and economic prosperity. Through WOFAGRIC and the Gold in the Soil Awards, our goal is to empower and uplift these women, offering them the resources and recognition they rightfully deserve,” expressed Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa.

 She further emphasized the importance of supporting women farmers with disabilities and empowering them to overcome challenges and thrive in the agricultural sector.

Dr. Comfort Acheampong-Harnessing the Power of WOFAGRIC and Gold in The Soil Awards

The Chairperson of the planning committee for the 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards, Dr. Comfort Acheampong, urged women farmers and farmers with disabilities to take full advantage of the opportunities presented by the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards. She called for the removal of barriers, promotion of inclusivity, and empowerment of women in agribusiness.

Hon. Yaw Frimpong Addo – Acknowledging Women’s Contribution to Food Security
 For his part, The Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture, Hon. Yaw Frimpong Addo, stressed the importance of empowering women, especially those with disabilities, in agriculture. He attributed Ghana’s current food security to the significant contribution of women in the sector and called for continued support to enable them to thrive.

 “Women make up more than half of Ghana’s agricultural labour force with many engaged in planting seeds, harvesting, processing foods, selling, and cooking. If not for our women, we will be very hungry in this country and so it is important to give them the maximum support to enable them to thrive,” he stated.

Hajia Habiba Yusifu – Commends the Unwavering Dedication and Resilience of Women in Agriculture

The Eastern Regional Agricultural Director, Hajia Habiba Yusifu commended the unwavering dedication and resilience of women in agriculture, acknowledging their pivotal role in the sector. From tilling the fields to nurturing livestock and crafting nutritious meals, women have consistently demonstrated their capabilities, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with their male counterparts and excelling in every aspect of the agricultural domain.

She shed light on the persistent gender disparities that hinder women’s progress in the field, such as limited access to crucial resources, funds, vital information, and transformative technologies, all of which pose significant challenges. She emphasized the need for collective action to break down these barriers, creating an inclusive and equitable environment that empowers women to thrive and realize their aspirations.

By embracing gender-responsive initiatives, the agricultural sector can cultivate a thriving landscape that nourishes food security, drives poverty reduction, and nurtures sustainable development, she added. Key to this advocacy is the call for robust support mechanisms, including gender-responsive policies that recognize and honour the critical contributions of women in agriculture.

Kathleen Flynn – Community Support Vital for Women in Agriculture

In her address, Kathleen Flynn-Dapaah, the Director and Head of Cooperation for Global Affairs Canada, highlighted that women often dedicate their time to caring for others, nurturing families, and ensuring the well-being of their communities stressing on the symbiotic relationship between communities and women’s empowerment, pointing out that when women are supported, businesses also benefit. Recognizing the invaluable contributions of women farmers, she commended their efforts and resilience.

Flynn-Dapaah also extended her commendation to women farmers with disabilities, acknowledging the challenges they overcome and the inspiration they provide. She urged for a collective effort to help women farmers thrive and encouraged the cultivation of women-led agribusinesses. “Empowering women in agriculture is not just a matter of equity; it’s about leveraging their potential to drive economic growth and sustainable development,” Flynn-Dapaah stated.

Madam Candace Holt – Government, Farmer Groups, And Organizations Urged to Empower Women and Ensure Their Active Participation and Representation

Madam Candace Holt, Agriculture Sector Lead at the High Commission of Canada in Ghana, championed gender equality and women’s empowerment in Ghana’s agriculture sector. She urged government, farmer groups, and organizations to empower women and ensure their active participation and representation. Advocating for women’s voices to be heard, Candace Holt urged for greater representation in agricultural cooperatives, farmers’ associations, and rural organizations, creating platforms for active participation and ensuring their interests are adequately represented.

 “Our vision is to see women farmers thriving, benefiting from the entire agricultural value chain, generating employment, and sustaining their agribusinesses,” expressed Candace Holt fervently. “We envision Ghanaian women-led agribusinesses expanding their horizons beyond the nation’s borders, achieving higher incomes, and contributing significantly to the nation’s economic prosperity. “She added

While acknowledging the challenges that hinder women’s progress in the agricultural domain, she emphasized the need for a sustainable revenue stream to meet women’s basic needs, support their families, and secure their future. Key barriers, such as limited access to financing, land, and productive resources, as well as unequal access to skills and information compared to men, were brought to the forefront.

Tani Aduko Bukari-WFP Reaffirms Commitment to Food Security and Empowering Women

The Programme Policy Officer for Gender and Youth Inclusion at the World Food Programme (WFP), Tani Aduko Bukari, commended the invaluable contributions of women in agriculture and reaffirmed WFP’s unwavering commitment to food security and empowering women and the girl child.

Highlighting WFP’s relentless efforts in supporting governments and organizations with cutting-edge technology and empowering training programs in the agricultural sector, she emphasized the pivotal role of stakeholders in fostering an inclusive environment that nurtures the growth and development of women in agribusiness.

“As an organization devoted to eradicating hunger and promoting gender equality, the World Food Programme is profoundly honoured to commend the exceptional contributions of women in agriculture. We firmly believe that empowering women in agribusiness is not only a fundamental aspect of food security but also a pivotal force driving sustainable development,” she stated.

She also underscored the utmost importance of empowering women in agriculture and ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes, adding that the World Food Programme remains steadfast in collaborating with governments and organizations, bridging gaps, and creating opportunities that empower women to flourish in the agricultural sector. This commitment ultimately leads to enhanced food security and sustainable development in Ghana and across the globe.

Mr Kudjoe Agbenyega – Advocates for Equal Opportunities for Women

Adding his voice, Mr. Kudjoe Agbenyega, Acting Managing Director for YARA Ghana, passionately advocated for the empowerment of women in agriculture and the dismantling of entrenched socio-cultural barriers that hinder their progress in the agricultural value chain.

 Shedding light on the crucial topic, “Changing the Entrenched Socio-Cultural Norms and Breaking Traditional Barriers Critical to the Development of Agriwomen in the Agricultural Value Chain,”

He recognized the historical significance of women in agriculture as the backbone of societies, emphasizing their pivotal role in providing sustenance and driving economic growth.

“Let us strive to create an inclusive environment where women have equal opportunities to access credit, technology, and training,”. Mr. Agbenyega emphasized, advocating for empowering women to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and drive innovation in agricultural sector.

Seli Abena Azanku – RDF Ghana LBG Is Dedicated to Providing Access to Funds and Capacity-Building Services for Women Farmers

Seli Abena Azanku, the Communications Officer for RDF Ghana LBG, highlighted the significance of providing technical and financial aid to marginalized groups, including women, youth, and individuals with disabilities, to thrive in their agricultural endeavours.

“RDF Ghana LBG is dedicated to providing access to funds and capacity-building services for women farmers, agribusinesses, and everyone across the agricultural value chain. Our focus on women farmers and farmers with disabilities stems from their pivotal role in Ghana’s agricultural landscape. RDF Ghana LBG’s funding aligns seamlessly with initiatives like WOFAGRIC and Gold in The Soil Awards,” she emphasized.

She passionately highlighted the need to reach out to the younger generation, offering invaluable advice that resonates with the very essence of their aspirations. With compelling urgency, she fervently encouraged the youth to wholeheartedly embrace the realm of agriculture, recognizing it as not just a profession but a deeply fulfilling vocation.

Annually, the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and the Gold in the Soil Awards moves from region to region, with the aim of empowering and celebrating the exceptional efforts of women in agriculture across the regions.

In the past five (5) years, the Interventional Event has been held in the Volta Region, Ashanti Region, Upper East and Upper West Regions, and the Eastern Region ,next Year the 6th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the soil awards will move to the Bono Region.

The Women in Food and Agriculture Leadership Training Forum has developed and strengthened the capacities of over 7000 women in Agribusiness, by exposing them to more innovative approaches of handling their agribusinesses; the Gold in the Soil Awards has received about 1000 entries and awarded more than 80 women across the entire agricultural value chain under various categories.

Exciting Images from the 5th WOFAGRIC  and Gold in the Soil Awards held in Koforidua in the Eastern Region 


5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards Opens Tomorrow in the Eastern Region

5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards Opens Tomorrow in the Eastern Region

Agrihouse Foundation in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada, Yara Ghana, RDF Ghana LBG, and the World Food Programme, is gearing up for the highly anticipated 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and the Gold in the Soil Awards.

Scheduled to take place from tomorrow,  July 26th to 27th, 2023, in Koforidua, Eastern Region at the Bedtime Hotel,under the theme “OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS TO WOMEN AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS.”This annual intervention will   honour and celebrate the outstanding achievements of women farmers and women with disabilities, acknowledging their significant contributions to the agricultural industry.

The 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum(WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards have earned widespread recognition as a transformative platform that promotes change, fosters networking opportunities, and encourages knowledge-sharing among women farmers and women with disabilities. The event showcases their accomplishments while addressing the challenges they encounter, providing a supportive environment for their growth and advancement within the agricultural sector.

In a statement by the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, she expressed her enthusiasm about the upcoming event. She emphasized the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the immense efforts and achievements of women farmers and women with disabilities in the  agricultural landscape.

“At Agrihouse Foundation, our vision is to create a platform that empowers women in agriculture, fostering their growth and showcasing their invaluable contributions to the sector,” stated Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa. “The 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum(WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards  represent a momentous occasion for us to celebrate the resilience, innovation, and dedication of women farmers and women with disabilities. We believe that by recognizing their hard work, we can inspire future generations and drive further progress within the agricultural sector .”

Throughout the two-day event, attendees can anticipate a diverse range of activities, including panel discussions, training workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities. These platforms will enable participants to gain valuable insights, learn best practices, and foster collaborations that can shape the future of agriculture in Ghana.

Furthermore, the Gold in the Soil Awards will honour exceptional women farmers and women with disabilities who have made significant contributions to the agricultural sector. Their dedication, innovation, and impact will be celebrated, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and contribute to the growth and development of the industry.

other sponsors for the 5th  Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum(WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards includes Interplast Limited,Ghana Exim Bank ,Browngi Tractors and Implements ,others includes RST Machinery limited,Rainbow Agrosciences and HJA Africa.

The 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards symbolize a pivotal moment in the advancement of women farmers and women with disabilities in Ghana. Through recognition, education, and collaboration, the event aims to break down barriers, promote gender equality, and create a more inclusive agricultural sector that harnesses the potential of all individuals.

As Agrihouse Foundation continues its journey towards agricultural transformation and breaking barriers  the role of women farmers and women with disabilities cannot be overstated. Their resilience, expertise, and determination are integral to ensuring food security, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering economic growth.


Young farmer successively cultivates to feed orphans in Otoase in Eastern Ghana.

Young farmer successively cultivates to feed orphans in Otoase in Eastern Ghana.

Eva Amene, a 30-year-old farmer from Otoase, has become an inspiration to many as she combines her passion for farming with a heartwarming commitment to helping orphans in her community. Eva’s dedication to agriculture has not only brought her personal success but has also enabled her to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

What sets Eva apart is her desire to give back to her community. Despite her own challenges and limited resources, Eva selflessly donates a portion of her farm produce to local orphanages. It has always been her dream to bring smiles to the faces of the children who need it most, and she uses her farming success to accomplish this noble goal.

Through her hard work and dedication to farming, Eva has also been able to acquire land for herself. Saving diligently, she dreams of building a house of her own, a testament to her determination and long-term vision for a better future.

When asked about her motivation, Eva expressed, “I believe in the power of farming not just to provide for oneself but also to make a positive impact on others. It brings me joy to share my harvest with orphanages and contribute to their well-being. I am grateful for the opportunities that farming has given me, and I hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams and give back to their communities as well.”

Agrihouse Foundation’s Production Team are presently traveling across all 33 districts in the Eastern Region, their mission is to document the remarkable achievements of 62  shortlisted women farmers and farmers with disabilities in the Eastern Region, for the upcoming 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) & The Gold in the Soil Awards, an annual rotational Regional intervention organized by Agrihouse Foundation in partnership with global affairs Canada, captured the story of  Eva.

Traveling from district to district, Agrihouse Production Team seeks to capture stories of resilience, innovation, and success, showcasing the immense talent and achievement, and hard work of these women farmers in the Eastern Region.

Their efforts aim to make a profound impact by highlighting the incredible contributions of women farmers and farmers with disabilities, who pave the way for a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous agricultural sector that recognizes the vital role of women in shaping the future of food security.

Global Affairs Canada has for the past five years shown a continued commitment to recognizing the invaluable contributions of women farmers by sponsoring Agrihouse Foundation’s production team in our quest to recognize, honour, and celebrate women farmers and farmers with a disability, other partners for this year’s 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil awards also include Yara Ghana and RDF Ghana LBG.

Eva’s story serves as an inspiration, highlighting the potential of agriculture as a means of personal growth and community development. Her selfless actions remind us of the importance of compassion and empathy in making a difference in the lives of those in need.

As Eva continues her journey as a dedicated farmer, she serves as a role model to aspiring farmers and philanthropists alike. Her commitment to farming, her community, and her dreams of providing a better future for herself and others exemplify the spirit of resilience and generosity that can create lasting change.

In recognition of Eva’s remarkable achievements and her dedication to uplifting the lives of orphans, the community of Otoase celebrates her as a shining example of compassion and success in the agricultural sector.

The 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards are scheduled for July 26-27 in Koforidua in the Eastern Region under the theme “OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS TO WOMEN AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS,” promise to be a momentous occasion. These events will bring together stakeholders, industry leaders, and women farmers and farmers with a disability to award and celebrate achievements, share knowledge, and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector.

ABOUT WOFAGRIC AND GOLD IN THE SOIL AWARDS: Agrihouse Foundation’s Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) & The Gold in the Soil Awards is an annual event that strengthens and promotes a paradigm shift in celebrating women farmers, processors, marketers, and individuals contributing to the agricultural value chain. These awards acknowledge the remarkable efforts of women in various sectors, including transportation, packaging, technology, and input dealers. Every year, the event moves from region to region, searching for these extraordinary women who play a significant role in putting food on our tables. Regardless of their abilities, they are thriving to contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector.

Queen Mother of Abomasu empowers the community through agriculture and calls for youth involvement.

Queen Mother of Abomasu empowers the community through agriculture and calls for youth involvement.

The Queen Mother of Abomasu, Obaapanin Konadu Kontie II, has become a beacon of inspiration through her dedication to farming and community development. With an impressive agricultural enterprise spanning 30 acres of cocoa, 2 acres of maize, 5 acres of palm nut, and 5 acres of plantain and cassava, Konadu Kontie II has transformed her passion for farming into a catalyst for positive change.

Agrihouse Foundation’s Production Team are presently traveling across all 33 districts in the Eastern Region, their mission is to document the remarkable achievements of 62  shortlisted women farmers and farmers with disabilities in the Eastern Region, for the upcoming 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) & The Gold in the Soil Awards, an annual rotational Regional intervention organized by Agrihouse Foundation in partnership with Global Affairs Canada, captured the story of  Obaapanin Konadu Kontie II.

At the age of 60, Obaapanin Konadu Kontie II oversees a team of four permanent workers and collaborates with six laborers, harnessing their combined efforts to ensure the success of her diverse farming operations. Since she began her farming journey in 2002, she has encountered numerous challenges, including the need for financial support, spraying machines, fertilizers, and reliable wellington boots.

Despite these hurdles, her perseverance and hard work have borne fruit. Through her farming endeavours, she has not only built a home for herself but has also extended her philanthropic efforts to educate girls in the community. As a Queen Mother, she recognizes the significance of education in empowering young women and believes in providing opportunities for their advancement.

Expressing her hopes for recognition and an award, Konadu Kontie II explains, “Receiving this honour will serve as a motivation for the youth in my community to work diligently. It will also enable me to support and empower more individuals within our community. As a Queen Mother, I believe that through agriculture, we can uplift our community and ensure food security.”

In addition to her accomplishments, Konadu Kontie II passionately advocates for youth involvement in agriculture while discouraging illegal mining activities known as “galamsey.” She emphasizes that agriculture is a viable and sustainable means of livelihood that not only provides food security but also creates opportunities for economic growth.

The Queen Mother extends her heartfelt gratitude to Agrihouse Foundation and its partners for their invaluable support in empowering farmers and fostering agricultural development. Their collaboration has played a significant role in bringing about positive change within her community.

Konadu Kontie II’s commitment to farming and community upliftment stands as a shining example for all. Her perseverance, dedication, and efforts to educate and empower others demonstrate the transformative impact that agriculture can have on individuals and communities.

As she continues her journey, Konadu Kontie II hopes that her story will inspire the youth to embrace agriculture and contribute to the sustainable development of their communities, while preserving the environment for future generations.

Traveling from district to district, Agrihouse Production Team seeks to capture stories of resilience, innovation, and success, showcasing the immense talent and achievement, and hard work of these women farmers in the Eastern Region.

Their efforts aim to make a profound impact by highlighting the incredible contributions of women farmers and farmers with disabilities, who pave the way for a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous agricultural sector that recognizes the vital role of women in shaping the future of food security.

Global Affairs Canada has for the past five years shown a continued commitment to recognizing the invaluable contributions of women farmers by sponsoring Agrihouse Foundation’s production team in our quest to recognize, honour, and celebrate women farmers and farmers with a disability, other partners for this year’s 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil awards also include Yara Ghana and RDF Ghana LBG and World Food Program.

The 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards is scheduled for July 26-27 in Koforidua in the Eastern Region under the theme “OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS TO WOMEN AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS,” promise to be a momentous occasion. These events will bring together stakeholders, industry leaders, and women farmers and farmers with a disability to award and celebrate achievements, share knowledge, and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector.

ABOUT WOFAGRIC AND GOLD IN THE SOIL AWARDS: Agrihouse Foundation’s Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) & The Gold in the Soil Awards is an annual event that strengthens and promotes a paradigm shift in celebrating women farmers, processors, marketers, and individuals contributing to the agricultural value chain. These awards acknowledge the remarkable efforts of women in various sectors, including transportation, packaging, technology, and input dealers. Every year, the event moves from region to region, searching for these extraordinary women who play a significant role in putting food on our tables. Regardless of their abilities, they are thriving to contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector.

Fish Processor Overcomes Challenges with Innovation: Meet Dafalor Awudi

Fish Processor Overcomes Challenges with Innovation: Meet Dafalor Awudi

In the serene town of Bridgeano, located in the heart of Afram Plains, resides  45 years old, Dafalor Awudi, a seasoned fish processor with an impressive experience of two decades in the industry. Dafalor’s story is one of resilience, determination, and innovation, as she navigates the challenges of her trade to provide for her family and uplift her community.

For the past 20 years, Dafalor has honed her skills in fish processing, mastering the art of frying and smoking fish to perfection. Her freshly processed fish has become a sought-after delicacy, with customers coming from Koforidua market, Mame Krobo market, and Donkorkrom market to savor the delectable flavors she creates.

Fishing has become more than a livelihood for Dafalor; it’s a source of joy and fulfillment. Her dedication to her craft goes beyond financial gain, as she takes pride in contributing to her family’s well-being and supporting her children’s education and upbringing.

Yet, her journey has not been without hurdles. The challenges of bad roads leading to Bridgeano pose a constant obstacle, making the transportation of her products a difficult task. Moreover, Dafalor faces the issue of low patronage during certain seasons, affecting her income and the sustainability of her business. Additionally, the soaring prices of cooking oil have put a strain on her production costs, requiring her to find innovative solutions to maintain profitability.

Despite these challenges, Dafalor remains undeterred. She is determined to overcome the odds and thrive in her industry. As she vies for the prestigious “She Innovates Award,” in Agrihouse foundation’s Gold in the Soil Awards happening on the 26th to 27 july 2023 at the Bedtime Hotel in Koforidua ,in the Eastern Region,she hopes to be recognized for her creative solutions in the face of adversity.

As the She Innovates Award recognizes extraordinary women who demonstrate exceptional ingenuity, it is clear that Dafalor Awudi embodies the essence of this accolade. Her relentless pursuit of success and her determination to overcome obstacles through innovation make her a standout candidate for this esteemed honor.

As Bridgeano and the wider Afram Plains community rally behind Dafalor, they celebrate her contributions to their lives and livelihoods. Her inspiring story serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for aspiring entrepreneurs and women seeking to create meaningful change through their innovative ideas.

The She Innovates Award presents an opportunity to shed light on the ingenuity of women like Dafalor Awudi, whose determination and creativity are driving positive change in their respective fields. As the world witnesses the profound impact of women’s empowerment in every sector, it is through recognizing and honoring women like Dafalor that we celebrate progress and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future.

Dafalor Awudi’s story was captured by Agrihouse Foundation’s Production Team  who recently travelled   across all 33 districts in the Eastern Region, their mission was  to document the remarkable achievements of 62  shortlisted women farmers and farmers with disabilities in the Eastern Region, for the upcoming 5th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) & The Gold in the Soil Awards, an annual rotational Regional intervention organized by Agrihouse Foundation in partnership with global affairs Canada
Travelling from district to district, Agrihouse Production Team  captured stories of resilience, innovation, and success, showcasing the immense talent and achievement and hard work of these women farmers in the Eastern Region.

Their efforts aim to make a profound impact by highlighting the incredible contributions of women farmers and farmers with disabilities, who pave the way for a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous agricultural sector that recognizes the vital role of women in shaping the future of food security.

Global Affairs Canada has for the past five years shown a continued commitment to recognizing the invaluable contributions of women farmers by sponsoring Agrihouse Foundation’s production team in our quest to recognize, honour and celebrate women farmers and farmers with disability, other partners for this year’s 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil awards also includes Yara Ghana, RDF Ghana LBG and World Food Program.

With dedication and perseverance deserve recognition and support. Her story reminds us of the untapped potential within individuals who, despite challenging circumstances, remain determined to make a positive impact on their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

The 5th WOFAGRIC and Gold in the Soil Awards is scheduled for July 26th -27th in Koforidua at the Bedtime Hotel in the Eastern Region ,under the theme “OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS TO WOMEN AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS,” promise to be a momentous occasion. These events will bring together stakeholders, industry leaders, and women farmers and farmers with disability to award and celebrate achievements, share knowledge, and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector.

ABOUT WOFAGRIC AND GOLD IN THE SOIL AWARDS: Agrihouse Foundation’s Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) & The Gold in the Soil Awards is an annual event that strengthens and promotes a paradigm shift in celebrating women farmers, processors, marketers, and individuals contributing to the agricultural value chain. These awards acknowledge the remarkable efforts of women in various sectors, including transportation, packaging, technology, and input dealers. Every year, the event moves from region to region, searching for these extraordinary women who play a significant role in putting food on our tables. Regardless of their abilities, they are thriving to contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector.