Join us to Slovenia AGRA FAIR 2024

Join us to Slovenia AGRA FAIR 2024

A𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞!

Join us in SLOVENIA for the prestigious 62nd International Fair of Food and Agriculture (AGRA), taking place from August 24th to 29th, 2024.
This is your chance to connect with:

  1. Farmers
  2. Input Dealers
  3. Entrepreneurs
  4. Farmer Associations
  5. Financial Institutions
    Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity! Register now to book your slot at

Spaces are limited, so register today!

Agrihouse Foundation Hosts 1st Agrochemicals And Crop Protection Exhibition And Award In Techiman

Agrihouse Foundation Hosts 1st Agrochemicals And Crop Protection Exhibition And Award In Techiman

Agrihouse Foundation, in collaboration with the Bono East Regional Coordinating Council, hosted its maiden edition of the Ghana Agrochemicals and Crop Protection Exhibitions and Awards on Thursday, April 18th to Friday, April 19th, 2024, in Techiman.

Held under the theme “Recognizing Efficiency and Innovation to Drive Sustainable Bumper Harvest,” the two-day event educated farmers on the proper utilization of agrochemicals and crop protection techniques to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability in the region and across Ghana.

Addressing the gathering, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, highlighted the event’s significance: “Our primary focus lies in bridging the significant gap as we prepare for the pre-planting season.

The Ghana Agrochemicals and Crop Protection Exhibition serves as a crucial one-stop platform for farmers and input dealers alike.It provides a pivotal space for farmers to engage, access input dissemination, and foster dialogue on enhancing their farming practices and the agricultural sector at large. This platform not only facilitates market expansion but also creates opportunities for farmers and input dealers to collaborate towards mutual growth and sustainability.”she added

In addition to the exhibitions, the event featured an awards ceremony recognizing farmers and agrochemical dealers who have played pivotal roles in advocating responsible agrochemical usage and sustainable farming practices in the Bono East Region.

The awardees included Agromonti Company Limited, who took home the Most Innovative Input Dealer Company award, Yara Ghana Limited was awarded the Leading Crop Nutrition Brand in Ghana, and Tibourataa Women Group from the Northern Region won the Most Promising Input Dealer Company Award.

The Executive Director, further disclosed Agrihouse Foundation’s commitment to advancing the agricultural sector, with numerous interventions tailored for farmers nationwide.

Looking ahead, Akosa hinted at future collaborations and initiatives stemming from the event, aiming to foster continuous improvement and innovation in the agricultural sector.

Exhibiting companies showcased demonstrations and presentations, offering farmers insights into the latest crop protection technologies and best practices for the safe and effective application of these products. Notable exhibitors included Jubaili Agrotec GH, Agrohao Ghana Company Limited, AGROTERRUM GHANA LTD, IWAD GHANA LTD, Sagrisalma Limited Company, WinStep Company Limited, Agri Sigma, GIZ GH/AGRIBIZ, Rainbow Agrosciences, WAAF AGRO LIMITED, Solevo Ghana Ltd, BH FERTAGRO GHANA LIMITED, CROP DOCTOR LIMITED, Yayra Glover group, AgroCrown West Africa Company Ltd, and YARA GHANA LIMITED.

Agrihouse Foundation Welcomes You All To Our Year of Harvesting Hope, Empowering Farmers and Enriching Lives

Agrihouse Foundation Welcomes You All To Our Year of Harvesting Hope, Empowering Farmers and Enriching Lives

Agrihouse Foundation extends a warm welcome back to our esteemed Sponsors, Partners,agricultural community and   Ghanaians ,With renewed enthusiasm and a fresh surge of energy, we embark on a new chapter dedicated to fostering growth and innovation in the agricultural landscape.

The preceding years was a testament to our collective commitment to sustainable agriculture and rural development. Together, we’ve cultivated projects that left a lasting impact, disseminated agricultural knowledge, and sowed the seeds of positive change in communities nationwide.

In 2024, our excitement knows no bounds as we prepare to empower and improve the agricultural sector through our  various initiatives, including the 6th Gathering of the Royals, 7th Agricultural Students’ Career Guidance and Mentorship Dialogue Bootcamp (AG-STUD), 6th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Forum (WOFAGRIC), Gold in the Soil Award

also anticipate the 3RD Ghana Poultry Day , 14th Preharvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions, 3rd “Is it Possible” Monthly Agribusiness Skills and Jobs for the Youth Roadshow with Dr. Zee, 5th Livestock, Poultry, and Fisheries Tradeshow (LiPF), 13th Agriwoman Marketplace, Monthly Beginner Agribusiness Masterclass, AgriFemale Monthly Beginner Masterclass Training, International Cassava Fair, Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program, and Husker Harvest Days in Nebraska, USA, among others.

This year, we will also unveil a lineup of new projects poised to elevate our impact and empower the agricultural sector even further. Among the initiatives in the pipeline are, the 1st Ghana Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibitions & Awards (GACA), Slovenia Agric Fair (Agra Fair), and the International Chocolate Fair in Slovenia, among others.

The Executive Director for Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa expresses great enthusiasm for the this  year, emphasizing our commitment to empowering farmers and transforming the agricultural landscape. The diverse range of initiatives reflects our dedication to addressing key challenges and fostering sustainable growth. We look forward to collaborating with stakeholders and partners to make a lasting impact on the agricultural community.”

‘’As our theme for the year is “Harvesting Hope,” we are not merely embracing a tagline but a profound commitment that resonates with our mission. We are dedicated to fostering a future where hope flourishes, farmers are empowered with knowledge and resources, and lives are enriched through sustainable agricultural practices.

This theme underscores our belief in the transformative power of agriculture as a catalyst for positive change. We envision a landscape where every harvest brings not only sustenance but also hope for a better future. By empowering farmers with the tools, they need and enriching their lives through holistic development, we aspire to create a ripple effect that extends to entire communities.

In 2024, this theme serves as our compass, directing our initiatives and projects towards outcomes that align with the ethos of “Harvesting Hope, Empowering Farmers, and Enriching Lives.” It is a rallying call for all stakeholders to join hands in cultivating a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector that uplifts not only the farmers but the entire nation.




Our earlier news story titled “Cassava – Ghana’s Next Gold Mine,” has generated thoughtful conversations, with sound feedbacks, responses and submissions, from industry players, among whom include Cassava farmers, Processors, Academia, Development agencies, investors, researchers, beginner agribusinesses, individuals who desire to explore opportunities within value added cassava, and many others.

With this development, we decided to look at another phase and angle of the news story, by engaging stakeholders, to determine, if they agree with our assertion, that CASSAVA – IS GHANA’S NEXT GOLD MINE! And with the necessary attention and focus for growth, cassava could indeed become Ghana’s next cocoa and gold mine.

Cassava, despite its potential to significantly contribute to the country’s economic growth,  often remains overshadowed by traditional agricultural giants like cocoa and gold.

The staple consumed in many Ghanaian households, silently awaits its emergence as an economic powerhouse. Unfortunately, we are all yet to fully wake up to understand and appreciate the economic windfall that this humble crop can bring.

Ghana is unintentionally missing substantial economic benefits and value addition that cassava could offer.
This versatile crop, capable of boosting revenue streams, lacks the serious consideration and prioritization given to other key and few commodities.
Edwin Siaw, a media practitioner in the Eastern shared that, beyond its economic potential, cassava offers a treasure trove of health benefits.
Recognized for its nutritional richness, cassava provides essential vitamins and minerals.

Additionally, it is known for its potential in preventing and treating certain health conditions, making it a valuable ally in the quest for improved well-being.

We also collectively agree, that cassava boasts a wide array of industrial applications, from pharmaceutical uses to the production of starch and biogas.

Cassava proves to be one of the most easiest to cultivate,  a versatile crop with far-reaching benefits, playing a pivotal role in various industrial processes.

 However, the growth of the cassava industry faces impediments that stifle its full potential.

The absence of enhanced efficiency machinery, equipment, technology and value addition initiatives and innovations, presents a significant hurdle, preventing the industry from flourishing.

There exists a noticeable gap between acknowledging cassava’s potential and taking concrete steps to unlock its benefits.
Then, we ask? –

Is the slow paced-growth of the cassava industry, have anything to do with Knowledge Gap, lack of information on the prospects or our own attitude to research further and apply an intensive hands-on approach, on how we can exploit the full potential?

Have we thought about what the positives and the impact will be, for our nation, if the youth, women, beginner agribusinesses, investors, etc, are able to grip it?  

We commend the women, young ones and many number of individuals, and private companies, who are doing so much within the value added cassava space.

 Our Governments have equally taken commendable steps to advance cassava production, exemplified by the establishment of notable, but not-so-functional cassava factories like Ayensu Starch Factory in Awutu Bawjiase, in the Central Region.

There is also   CH Global Limited, a cassava and yam processing factory operating under the government’s 1-District-1-Factory initiative, located at Addo Nkwanta in the Krachi East District of the Oti Region and  Global Almas Processing Ltd, situated in Bimbilla, Northern Region among others .

Despite these significant developments, it is imperative to acknowledge that there remains substantial work ahead in fully realizing the potential of cassava production in the country.

In a bid to advocate and champion cassava’s cause and draw attention to its untapped potential, Agrihouse Foundation has embarked on an  initiatives to bring cassava to the forefront of the agricultural agenda. Holding the franchise for the International Cassava Fair in Brazil, Agrihouse foundation ,orchestrated a delegation visit to Brazil, exposing delegates to global advancements in cassava cultivation, varieties, value chain addition, machinery, and equipment, among other applications.

In our conversation  with key figures in the cassava industry, Mr. Daniel Okyere, a farmer and owner of East Midland Farms in Begoro, echoed sentiments, emphasizing that cassava is a crop with immense economic potential, yet Ghana is not fully capitalizing on it.

He pointed out the hurdles faced by farmers who rely on manual tools like cutlasses, highlighting challenges in acquiring more land due to the current land tenure system in Ghana. Mr. Okyere lamented the reluctance of banks to provide loans, stating that the government’s support has primarily come through extension officers.

Expressing the need for significant policy changes, Mr. Okyere urged the government to implement measures supporting cassava farmers, including policies for acquiring machinery and facilitating access to loans for production. He proposed that the government should follow a model similar to the support given to cocoa farmers, suggesting the purchase of locally processed cassava products, such as gari, for schools.

Madam Abigail Ghama, a farmer celebrated for winning the Best Extension Volunteer award in 2013 at the Farmer’s Day in New Juaben North and later receiving the She Innovates Award from Agrihouse Foundation in the Eastern Region in July 2023 at Agrihouse Foundation’s Gold in the Soil Awards, highlighted the challenges faced by cassava farmers. She emphasized the difficulty of using traditional tools like cutlasses and hoes due to the lack of modern machinery for planting.

Madam Abigail Ghama urged the government to consider establishing a funding source specifically for acquiring machinery in cassava production. According to her, this would greatly enhance efficiency and productivity in cassava farming.

Adding her voice, Ivy Edith Opare Yeboah, the Managing Director of Lexvee Agro Processing Ltd situated in the Fanteakwa South District, who specializes in gari processing. Highlighting the significance of cassava, she notes that it constitutes approximately 80 percent of the food consumed in Ghana. Despite its vital role, Ms. Opare Yeboah encounters challenges in accessing raw materials and strongly urges the government to establish robust market linkages with the cassava sector.

In her perspective, the cassava sector holds immense untapped potential, yet both the government and Ghanaians are not fully capitalizing on its benefits. Ms. Opare Yeboah emphasizes that, with proper support and strategic initiatives, the cassava sector can significantly contribute to the country’s food security and economic development. Unfortunately, she points out that the sector currently lacks the much-needed support from the government.

Ms. Opare Yeboah suggests that allocating a dedicated sector to cassava would not only streamline access to raw materials but also provide a platform for comprehensive support and investment.

CALL TO ACTION: Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, is resolutely dedicated to learn more, explore further and use that, to contribute to instigating change.

Driven by a vision infused with passion and an unwavering belief in the transformative capabilities of cassava, she underscores the vital necessity for collaborative endeavors.

Ms.  Akosa urges the government, private sector, and agricultural stakeholders to unite in implementing sustainable policies and initiatives. Her vision extends towards a future where cassava not only thrives as a pivotal economic contributor in Ghana but also uplifts the nation’s agricultural panorama to unprecedented levels of prosperity.

“I aspire to witness a future where cassava not only emerges as a crucial economic force in Ghana but also stands as a beacon of prosperity for farmers; our women, youth, etc

I also aspire to witness a time, where we have all the needed innovations, technology, appropriate and affordable machinery, equipment, input that would build speed and efficiency.

I also desire to witness a period, where the knowledge gap, will be bridged and our young women farmers, mothers, youth, beginners, family farmers, can appreciate, understand, and learn more about how they can grow their cassava enterprises, through value addition.

My utmost desire is for the industry to get to a stage, where all equipment, input, logistics, etc, will not only be for the privy of a “select connected group”, but will be accessible and affordable for all.

That is the only time, when we can gladly beat our chest. A time when we are fulfilled of making impact for the ultimate growth of a happy and content nation.

Through strategic knowledge acquisition, research and investments in modern machinery, promotion of value addition initiatives, and mind-set shaping, can unlock the full potential of cassava.

We shall continue to persist in passionately advocating for the recognition and prioritization of cassava, envisioning it as a cornerstone in the country’s pursuit of agricultural excellence and economic prosperity.

With all the growing interest and conversations around cassava, after our earlier news story, I personally remain steadfast, to commit to further learnings of all the potentials other crops possess – ONE AT A TIME!, after we fully absorb Cassava.

This way, we can continue sharing through this medium, all of the many potentials and opportunities that we can tap into, to build a career path in Agribusiness, generate additional revenue, attract investor drive, stakeholder interest and Government’s attention

The cause and the purpose, is to advocate and champion growth of value chain actors, growth of the sector as a whole, that will transform lives, make us better people, and bring a high level of security and  satisfaction, to us, as a people!

I remain yours in the development of Agriculture!

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa



In an effort to elevate Ghana’s cassava industry onto the global stage, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, delivered a compelling address to a global audience at the recently concluded International Cassava Fair in Brazil.

Addressing the topic “Securing Ghana’s Future Through Cassava” at the International Cassava Fair in Brazil, Ms. Akosa passionately advocated for a transformative approach to Ghana’s cassava industry, emphasizing the critical need to reshape the narrative around cassava cultivation in the country and the necessity for value addition.

The international cassava fair (FIMAN) 2023, organized by Podium Alimentos, was held from Tuesday, November 21st, to Thursday, November 23rd, 2023, aiming to foster knowledge exchange, networking, and collaborative exploration in the cassava sector. Ms. Akosa highlighted the crucial role of Ghana-Brazil collaboration in propelling advancements within Ghana’s cassava industry to significantly contribute to food security and economic growth in the country.

Ms. Akosa also shed light on the unique opportunities and challenges facing Ghana’s cassava industry, exploring avenues for collaboration with international partners, adoption of best practices, value addition, mechanization, and innovative strategies. The goal is to position Ghana as a major player in the global cassava market.

CELEBRATING CASSAVA: A DEFICIT IN GHANA: Despite its immense potential, Ms. Akosa highlighted the startling reality that Ghana is not celebrating cassava enough. The majority of cassava farming is directed towards domestic consumption, with limited emphasis on value addition. While there are noteworthy industries engaged in starch and alcohol production, the broader cassava sector struggles to secure the attention it deserves, particularly in comparison to the historically dominant cocoa and gold industry. With an annual production of 22 million metric tonnes, the time is ripe for a paradigm shift.

“Despite the abundance of opportunities in our cassava value chain, it remains underrated and under-celebrated. We all know how easy it is to grow cassava here in Ghana. Our country, our youth, our women, and the industry as a whole stand to gain more if we fully explore and embrace the vast potential within the cassava value chain, it is time for Ghana to mine Cassava as it mines Gold. Our country needs more cassava factories, farms, varieties, and equipment, such as planters, harvesters, dryers, and washers’’. ,” stated Ms. Akosa.

CULTIVATING CASSAVA’S HIDDEN RICHES: Ms. Akosa also underscored the need for a paradigm shift in Ghana’s agricultural focus. Cassava, often relegated to subsistence farming, stands on the precipice of a transformative revolution. The abundance of this resilient crop represents an untapped resource that, with the right attention, could blossom into a driving force for economic growth and food security.

With a production capacity that rivals cocoa, the time is ripe for Ghana to seize the opportunity and usher in a new era of cassava appreciation. Ms. Akosa’s call for a paradigm shift extends beyond the agricultural landscape; it beckons a recalibration of societal perceptions, urging Ghanaians to recognize the economic and nutritional potential that cassava holds.

While notable industries engage in starch and alcohol production, there remains immense scope for diversification. The versatility of cassava extends far beyond the traditional, offering a canvas for innovative products and industries. Encouraging value addition not only benefits local farmers but also positions Ghana on the global stage as a key player in the cassava market.

CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES: NAVIGATING THE CASSAVA LANDSCAPE: The Executive Director outlined the current challenges facing Ghana’s cassava industry. Traditional farming methods, predominantly through the use of cutlasses and hoes, remain prevalent. However, she noted a positive trend with an increasing number of women smallholder farmers contributing to the sector.

The existence of 32 cassava varieties developed by research institutions reflects the genetic diversity available for exploration,Yet challenges persist, A lack of machinery and equipment for processing, drying, and planting hinders efficiency. The knowledge gap for value addition and the absence of diverse recipes to encourage farmers to explore alternative uses of cassava contribute to the stagnation of the sector.
PROPOSED MEASURES: CATALYZING A CASSAVA REVOLUTION: Ms. Akosa laid out a comprehensive set of proposals to propel the cassava sector forward. This includes the urgent development and availability of domestic and edible seed varieties, the infusion of machinery and equipment at every stage of the production process, and a robust effort to address the knowledge gap hindering value addition. The call for capacity building and know-how to commercialize cassava effectively was underscored, along with increased investment in inputs and technology.

GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION:  A significant portion the address was dedicated to advocating for government intervention. A strategic focus on cassava, the establishment of cassava farms, and support for farmers with improved seeds and markets are crucial steps. She urged the exploration of partnerships for industrialization and commercialization, positioning cassava as the next economic powerhouse akin to cocoa and gold. The initiative, she emphasized, would not only create more employment opportunities but also generate much-needed revenue.

LEARNING FROM BRAZIL’S CASSAVA SUCCESS STORY: In highlighting Brazil’s advanced cassava industry, Ms. Akosa provided a blueprint for Ghana’s future. Brazil’s utilization of cassava for starch, ethanol, and the creation of over 1000 food recipes showcase the boundless potential of this crop. The adoption of biogas production from cassava waste further illustrates the versatility that can be harnessed.

“Brazil’s cassava industry is budding and booming with a high level of value addition. This is an area Ghana can adopt to improve the value chains. Our women and beginner agribusinesses stand to gain a lot in terms of job creation by adding value to cassava. Brazil currently has over 1000 cassava food recipes. Ghana’s climate is much similar to Brazil and I am confident, transferring of knowledge and know-how in cassava food nutrition recipes will be an added value.

According to her, the Cassava industry is a huge jackpot in Brazil. Brazilian Agric manufacturers have been able to develop and manufacture equipment, such as cassava dryers, washers, planters, harvesters, etc., that enhance speed and bring about efficiency. This is a big leap for Ghana, should we be able to partner with Brazilian Manufacturers to develop machinery and equipment as these for our sector.

CONCLUSION: A TRANSFORMATIVE VISION FOR GHANA’S CASSAVA FUTURE: Ms. Akosa concluded her address with a powerful call to action. Beyond showcasing Ghana’s cassava sector, the initiative seeks to foster connections and explore sustainable business opportunities within the dynamic global cassava value chain. With the potential for Ghana to emerge as a key player in the international cassava market, the time is ripe for a Cassava Revolution—a transformative vision to secure Ghana’s agricultural future.

‘’ As we celebrate our agricultural diversity, let us not overlook the golden potential that cassava holds in propelling our nation towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. It is my desire to see Ghana mining Cassava in the next three to five years. Partnering with Brazilian Cassava players is one sure step to get there. We need the exchange of ideas, transfer of knowledge, and all that is needed to grow the sector.’’ She concluded