Jaman South Queen Mother Wins Agrihouse Foundation’s Ultimate Gold in the Soil Award

Jaman South Queen Mother Wins Agrihouse Foundation’s Ultimate Gold in the Soil Award

Nana Yaa Esuama Yeboah I, the esteemed Queen Mother of Jaman South in the Bono Region, won  the Ultimate Gold in the Soil Award at Agrihouse Foundation’s 6th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards (WOFAGRIC). The event, held from July 9th to 10th, 2024, at Sunyani Technical University, celebrated outstanding contributions to agriculture and the community, with Nana Yaa being recognized for her exceptional achievements.

At 53 years old, Nana Yaa manages a remarkable agricultural enterprise in Chiraa, Bono Region, which includes 25 acres of maize, 6 acres of cassava, 1 acre of plantain, and 5 acres of coconut. She also oversees a thriving poultry farm with 1,500 birds and a piggery housing 80 pigs. Her journey into agriculture began after a challenging period as a trader in Accra. Seeking a new path, she returned to Chiraa and embraced farming, transforming it into a sustainable livelihood that has significantly improved her quality of life.

Nana Yaa’s vision extends beyond her current achievements. She plans to further grow and expand her farming operations, with aspirations to increase her workforce from four to accommodate the expanding needs of her farm. Her unwavering determination and clear vision continue to make her a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating how agriculture can drive economic growth and community development.

Upon receiving the award, Nana Yaa Esuama Yeboah I expressed her gratitude, saying, “This award is not just for me, but for all the hardworking women in agriculture who strive every day to improve their lives and the lives of their communities. I hope my story inspires more women to see the potential in farming and to pursue it with passion and dedication. I am deeply grateful to the Agrihouse Foundation, Global Affairs Canada, and Yara Ghana Limited for their unwavering support and recognition.”

The Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, praised Nana Yaa’s achievements and encouraged more women to venture into agriculture. She stated, “Nana Yaa Esuama Yeboah I’s success story is a testament to what is possible when women are empowered and supported in agriculture. We need more women to take up this mantle and contribute to the development of our agricultural sector. The potential is immense, and the impact is profound. Let us work together to break down barriers and create opportunities for women in agriculture.”

The event also recognized other exceptional individuals for their contributions to the agricultural sector. Takyiwaa Emma Gyan was awarded the Passion for Farm Award, and Afia Maria received the Feed to Food Award. Alijetu Bukari was honored as the Outstanding Woman in Extension Services, while Vera Enyonam Kwakye earned the She-Innovates Award. Sara Kyeremaa was celebrated with the Star Woman Agripreneur Award, and Adiata Abdulai received the Special Agriwoman Award.

Nana Anane Sarah won the Royal Agro Award, and Ayensu Patrick was acknowledged with the Supportive Agri-Man Award. Akua Benepour was recognized for her Climate Smart Women Project, and Elizabeth Sevor took home the Super Woman Farmer Award. Lucy Asuama was awarded the Lady of the Region Export Award, while Theresa Adu Boateng received the Diamond in the Rough Award. Global Affairs Canada was honored with the Development Partner Award, Janat Issifu received the Princess Carla Award, and Miss Vida Korang was celebrated with the Change Champion Award.

The 6th Annual Women in Food and Agriculture Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards, themed “Overcoming the Barriers to Women Agribusiness Development: The Role of Stakeholders,” brought together over 800 participants for discussions, workshops, exhibitions, and mentorship sessions.

Supported by Global Affairs Canada and Yara Ghana Limited, the event highlighted the crucial role of women and individuals with disabilities in advancing sustainable agricultural practices and fostering economic growth in Ghana.

Global Affairs Canada Advocates for Greater Women’s Representation in Agriculture by 2029

Global Affairs Canada Advocates for Greater Women’s Representation in Agriculture by 2029

Madam Candace Holt, the Second Secretary for global affairs Canada, emphasized the importance of increasing women’s representation in the agricultural sector over the next five years.

During the sixth Women in Food and Agriculture Leadership Training Forum and the Gold in the Soil Awards, organized by Agrihouse Foundation in the Bono Region, Madam. Holt underscored the vital role women play in agriculture and highlighted Global Affairs Canada’s commitment to promoting gender equality in the sector.

 She noted that empowering women in agriculture is not only essential for achieving sustainable development goals but also for enhancing food security and economic growth.

“Women are the backbone of many agricultural communities, and their increased participation is crucial for the advancement of the sector. By providing them with the necessary resources, training, and support, we can ensure that they play a more prominent role in driving agricultural innovation and sustainability. “We hope to see more women representation in the agriculture sector in the next five years,”

Ms. Holt highlighted several key areas where increased support and investment are needed to boost women’s participation in agriculture. These included access to land and financial resources, education and training programs, and the development of gender-sensitive policies.

“Access to resources and training is fundamental for women to succeed in agriculture,” Ms. Holt stated. “We need to break down the barriers that prevent women from fully participating in the sector. This includes addressing issues related to land ownership, financial inclusion, and ensuring that women have access to the latest agricultural technologies and practices.”

we anticipate the impact of the government of Ghana’s new agriculture and local development policies and programs on spurring private-sector led growth and opportunities citing that, these will open up for women farmers and agribusinesses.

For Canada’s part, we recognize the importance of the full participation of women in economic decision making and we remain committed to help improve opportunities for women through our partnerships in Agrihouse Foundation’s women in food and agricultural leadership training forum and gold in the soil awards. she concluded.

Adding her voice, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, reiterated the organization’s commitment to supporting women in agriculture. “Our mission is to create an enabling environment where women can thrive and lead in the agricultural sector,” she said. “We are dedicated to providing women with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to transform their communities and contribute to national development.”

The call for increased women’s representation in agriculture comes at a time when the sector is undergoing significant changes. With challenges such as climate change, market access, and technological advancements, there is a growing recognition of the need for diverse perspectives and inclusive approaches to ensure the sector’s sustainability.

The Women in Food and Agriculture Leadership Training Forum and the Gold in the Soil Awards is part of Agrihouse Foundation’s ongoing efforts to empower women in agriculture. The Foundation’s programs focus on capacity building, advocacy, and creating opportunities for women to excel in the agricultural value chain.

The forum and awards ceremony, which brought together stakeholders from various sectors, served as a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities for women in agriculture. The event celebrated the achievements of women farmers and provided a space for sharing best practices and innovative solutions.

Farmers with Disabilities Call for Inclusive Policies and Support

Farmers with Disabilities Call for Inclusive Policies and Support

Farmers with disabilities have called for the implementation of inclusive policies and increased support from government and benevolent organization during a disability dialogue at the sixth Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and the Gold in the Soil Awards organized by Agrihouse Foundation.

The dialogue provided an opportunity for farmers with disabilities to share their experiences and advocate for changes that would enable them to fully participate in and contribute to the agricultural sector. the farmers with disabilities emphasized the importance of creating a supportive environment that acknowledges their abilities and provides the necessary resources for them to thrive.

During the dialogue, several key issues were highlighted.  These included the lack of accessible farming equipment, limited access to financial resources, and the need for training programs tailored to the needs of disabled farmers. Participants also called for the establishment of networks and support groups that can provide mutual assistance and advocacy.

“We are not asking for special treatment; we are asking for equal opportunities,” stated one of the farmers. “Inclusive policies and support systems are essential to ensure that we can work effectively and sustainably in agriculture. We need access to training, affordable tools, and technologies that cater to our specific needs.”

The dialogue was a significant part of the broader Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum, which aims to empower women in the agricultural sector. The forum and the Gold in the Soil Awards celebrate the achievements of women farmers and highlight the importance of their contributions to food security and agricultural development in Ghana.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, emphasized the organization’s commitment to promoting inclusivity in agriculture.

“Our mission is to ensure that no one is left behind in the agricultural sector,” she stated. “We recognize the incredible potential of farmers with disabilities and are dedicated to providing them with the support they need to succeed.”

Agrihouse Foundation is known for its innovative programs that support farmers across Ghana, focusing on capacity building, advocacy, and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. The organization has been at the forefront of efforts to create more inclusive agricultural policies and practices.

The call for inclusive policies and support for farmers with disabilities is timely, as the agricultural sector faces numerous challenges, including climate change, access to markets, and the need for technological advancements. By addressing the specific needs of disabled farmers, the sector can become more resilient and inclusive.

The event concluded with recommendations aimed at policymakers, agricultural organizations, and the private sector. These included the development of accessible farming technologies, increased funding for disability-inclusive agricultural programs, and the creation of partnerships between disabled farmers and other stakeholders in the agricultural value chain.

Collective Effort Needed for Women Advancement in the Agriculture Sector -Bono Regional Minister

Collective Effort Needed for Women Advancement in the Agriculture Sector -Bono Regional Minister

The Bono Regional Minister, Hon. Justina Owusu-Banahene, have called on the government, private sectors, stakeholders, and relevant parties to implement decisive mechanisms that supports women in agribusiness.

Delivering the keynote address at the 6th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards. Held from July 9th to 10th, 2024, at the Sunyani Technical University, in the Bono Region, under the theme “Overcoming the Barriers to Women in Agribusiness Development: The Role of Stakeholders. “She emphasized the critical need for collective efforts to create a supportive environment for women in the agricultural sector.

“Empowering women in agribusiness is not just about equality; it’s about driving economic development,” stated Hon. Owusu-Banahene. “Women are the backbone of every economy, driving growth and sustainability. By empowering them, we ensure a more resilient and inclusive agricultural sector.”

Highlighting the role of cultural leaders and queen mothers, she urged them to use their influence in inspiring young women to pursue careers in agribusiness by actively mentoring and instilling the passion for agriculture among the youth, emphasizing the importance of securing land for women’s ventures.

In conclusion, she called on financial institutions to support women in agribusiness by providing accessible and affordable credit facilities. These resources, she emphasized, are crucial for enabling women to scale their operations, invest in modern technologies, and ultimately improve productivity in the sector.

ASA-WISHH Advocates for Strengthened Poultry Sector to Safeguard Ghana’s Food Supply

ASA-WISHH Advocates for Strengthened Poultry Sector to Safeguard Ghana’s Food Supply

The Country Representative for the American Soybean Association (ASA) through the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) Program, Madam Harriet Agyekum, has called for increased efficiency in the poultry sector to improve food security in Ghana.

Speaking on Monday, July 1st, 2024, at the 4th Ghana Poultry Day organized by Agrihouse Foundation, she highlighted that optimizing efficiency in poultry production is essential to meeting the growing demand for poultry products within the country.

“Efficiency improvements in the poultry sector not only bolster food security by increasing local production but also contribute to economic stability and sustainability,” she stated.

She further highlighted the significant impact of WISHH’s initiatives on the poultry sector. According to her the program  has grown the poultry sector’s production capacity, trained thousands of industry professionals on best management practices, helped producers and processors apply new post-harvest storage techniques to their existing operations, and connected supply chain partners to financial institutions, adding that ,there are  ongoing efforts to collaborate with local leaders and supply chain partners in Ghana with the aim of building  a robust networks, enhance production capacities, and promote sustainable agricultural practices within  the poultry sector.

“Our initiatives focus on equipping industry professionals with best management practices, introducing new post-harvest storage techniques, and facilitating access to financial resources for poultry producers. WISHH seeks to position soyabean as a reliable protein source while supporting Ghana’s efforts to reduce dependence on imported poultry products,” she emphasized.

She however commended Agrihouse Foundation for their dedicated efforts in promoting the poultry sector in Ghana, noting their pivotal role in organizing events like the Ghana Poultry Day. “Agrihouse Foundation’s commitment to fostering dialogue and innovation within the poultry industry is commendable. Their initiatives have been instrumental in advancing agricultural practices and fostering partnerships that benefit the entire sector,” she remarked.

The 4th Ghana Poultry Day was Organized by Agrihouse Foundation in collaboration with the Ghana Tourism Authority and supported by key entities including the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) and the Ghana National Egg Campaign Secretariat, the event drew support from prominent sponsors such as Amas Farms, Labianca Company Limited, Wilmar International, 10th September Spices, Agrogenics Ghana Limited, Maphlix Trust Ghana Ltd, Ghana Incentive-Based Risk-Sharing System for Agricultural Lending Project, and Wilmar Africa .


Agrihouse Foundation Hosts Successful 4th Ghana Poultry Day, Advocates for Sector Growth

Agrihouse Foundation Hosts Successful 4th Ghana Poultry Day, Advocates for Sector Growth

Agrihouse foundation on Monday July 1st, 2024 successfully hosted   the 4th Ghana Poultry Day, at the Statehouse forecourt in Accra, with the aim of   enhancing Ghana’s poultry sector, whiles also advocating for the 1st of July to be recognized as the Ghana poultry day .

Giving the welcome Remakes, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa Sarpong, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, underscored the significant growth and advocacy witnessed over the past four years of Ghana Poultry Day, showcasing ample opportunities within the poultry industry.

“Our efforts underscore the immense potential in Ghana’s poultry sector. However, achieving its full potential requires collective support to drive growth, sustainability, and promotion, “she remarked

She stressed the importance of giving equal attention to both crop and livestock sectors to bolster sustainable agricultural practices by elaborating on the need for integrated approaches where crop and livestock sectors complement each other, enhancing soil fertility through integrated farming systems and improving farm productivity urging that a balanced approach ensures resilience against climate change impacts and fosters economic stability in rural communities.

Hon. Zanetor Agyemang-Rawlings, MP for Korle Klottey, called on government to implement policies that enhance local poultry production’s competitiveness to bolster food security and reduce reliance on imports.

 “Cost-effective local poultry production and robust agribusiness promotion can substantially decrease our dependency on imported poultry products,” she asserted, stressing the sector’s capacity to generate employment opportunities.

Adding his voice, Hon.Alhaji Hardi Tufeiru, Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture in charge of Livestock, urged youth investment in the poultry sector, highlighting its growth prospects. “The government’s second phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs initiative outlines a strategic plan to bridge poultry sector deficits over the next five years,” Tufeiru disclosed, emphasizing newly established support mechanisms for initiative participants.

The 4th Ghana Poultry Day served as a strategic platform for stakeholders to strategize on propelling the poultry sector’s growth, ensuring its robust contribution to Ghana’s agricultural and economic development. Discussions underscored the imperative for collaborative efforts in enhancing the sector’s competitiveness and sustainability.

The event featured diverse activities, including a chef cooking competition showcasing various poultry-based delicacies. Madam Charity Akortia, the 2023 National Best Farmer, emerged first in the competition, followed by Mr. Cecil T. Sunkwa-Mills of the Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association and the Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation (NIDO).

In the student cooking competition, Ngleshie Amanfro S.H.S claimed the first position, with Achimota Senior High School and Accra Academy securing the second and third positions, respectively.The 4th Ghana Poultry Day was organized by Agrihouse Foundation in collaboration with the Ghana Tourism Authority and supported by key entities including the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) and the Ghana National Egg Campaign Secretariat, the event drew support from prominent sponsors such as Amas Farms, Labianca Company Limited, and Wilmar International,10th September Spices, Agrogenics Ghana Limited, and Maphlix Trust Ghana Ltd, Ghana Incentive-Based Risk-Sharing System for Agricultural Lending Project, Wilmar Africa.