Overcoming Barriers to Women in Agribusiness: Yara Ghana Calls Stakeholders to Action

Overcoming Barriers to Women in Agribusiness: Yara Ghana Calls Stakeholders to Action

The Country Manager for Yara Ghana Limited, Madam Theresa Randolph, has called for collective action among the Government and Stakeholders in the agricultural value chain to overcome barriers to women in agribusiness.

Speaking at the 6th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards, organized by Agrihouse Foundation in the Bono Region, Madam Randolph highlighted the undeniable importance of agribusiness to Ghana’s economy, contributing over 20% to the nation’s GDP. She emphasized that agribusiness encompasses more than just farming; it involves the entire value chain, presenting significant opportunities for growth, poverty eradication, and climate change mitigation.

Despite the critical role of agribusiness, she acknowledged the numerous challenges farmers face in the sector. She pointed out that these challenges are even more pronounced for women farmers, farmers with disabilities, and women in agribusiness, who often face additional hurdles such as lack of land ownership, limited access to finance, and restricted market opportunities.

She therefore called on the government to implement policies that ensure equal land rights for women and promote their access to financial services. According to her, legal reforms should be put in place to protect women’s property rights and facilitate their ownership of land and assets.

She also stressed the need to sustainably improve agricultural productivity to meet increasing demand, enhance the efficiency and resilience of food systems, and improve income opportunities in rural areas.

“Overcoming these barriers requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders, including governments, private sector entities, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies. Stakeholders should work to improve women’s access to high-quality agricultural inputs and technologies.

Additionally, efforts should be made to connect women farmers with local and international markets, enabling them to achieve better prices for their produce. Providing women with education and training in modern agricultural practices, business management, and sustainable farming techniques is crucial. Extension services and capacity-building programs should be tailored to meet the specific needs of women,” she remarked.

“Empowering women in agribusiness is not just a matter of fairness; it is essential for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and the broader economy.

By addressing the barriers that women face and creating an enabling environment for their full participation, we can unlock the potential of women farmers and contribute to a more resilient and prosperous agricultural sector.

All stakeholders must work together to support women in agriculture, ensuring that they have the resources, knowledge, and opportunities they need to thrive,” Randolph remarked.

Yara Ghana Limited has, for the past decade, been at the forefront of supporting agribusiness development, with a special focus on women and persons with disabilities.

Through partnerships in programs like WOFAGRIC and the Gold in the Soil Awards, and other agricultural value chain initiatives, Yara Ghana has worked to break barriers, create opportunities, and improve the efficiency of food systems by providing farmers with quality and efficient crop solutions and agronomic knowledge to increase yields and improve crop quality in an environmentally responsible manner.

The Country Manager also spotlighted Yara Ghana’s commitment to innovation and technology in agriculture, citing initiatives such as digital farming solutions and tailored agronomic training programs.

A notable example of Yara Ghana’s impactful initiatives is the recently concluded Grow Ghana Initiative.

Launched in response to the challenges faced by farmers due to the COVID-19 crisis and the Russia-Ukraine war, which impacted access to affordable fertilizers, Yara International donated premium YaraMila Actyva fertilizer valued at USD 20 million to smallholder farmers in Ghana. This donation reduced their cost per acre by 33.3% and enhanced food system resilience.

Supported by partners such as AFAP, AGRA, and USAID, the Grow Ghana Initiative increased staple crop productivity, created jobs for over 500 youth, and provided vital agronomic knowledge to boost productivity.

The initiative not only improved agricultural productivity but also enhanced livelihoods and contributed to food security in Ghana. These efforts are geared towards breaking barriers and creating opportunities for farmers, particularly women.

Madam Randolph expressed pride in Yara Ghana’s collaboration with the Agrihouse Foundation for the past six years to organize the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards.

She recognized their shared commitment to supporting farmers towards sustainable agriculture and resilience. She urged all stakeholders to collaborate for a vibrant and inclusive agricultural sector benefiting farmers, communities, and the nation.

Adding her voice, Ms. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, expressed profound gratitude for Yara Ghana’s steadfast partnership with the Agrihouse Foundation for the Women in Agricultural Training and Leadership Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards over the past six years.

“Yara Ghana has been instrumental in advancing the status of women in agriculture in Ghana through the Women in Food and Agriculture Leadership Training Forum and The Gold in The Soil Awards.

Their continued support enables us to create opportunities for women to thrive in agriculture, contributing to Ghana’s economic growth and advancing gender equality,” Ms. Akosa remarked.

She elaborated on the importance of this collaboration, noting that the sustained partnership with Yara Ghana has enabled the foundation to expand its reach and impact.

 “With Yara Ghana’s support, we have been able to provide training and resources to thousands of women farmers, helping them improve their productivity and livelihoods. This partnership has also allowed us to advocate more effectively for policy changes that benefit women in agriculture.”

Ms. Akosa highlighted some success stories from past awardees, showcasing how recognition and support have transformed their agricultural practices and lives. “These women are not just farmers; they are innovators, leaders, and role models in their communities. By sharing their stories and achievements, we inspire more women to pursue careers in agriculture and contribute to the nation’s food security.”

Ms. Akosa called for more stakeholders to join the cause, stressing that collective effort is crucial for achieving long-term sustainability. “We need more partners like Yara Ghana who are committed to making a difference. Together, we can overcome the barriers that women face and create a more inclusive and equitable agricultural sector,” she remarked.

About Yara GhanaYara Ghana Limited was established in 2007 to strengthen the quality and depth of input supply and related services along agricultural value chains in the country. Yara Ghana’s key focus has been on providing Ghanaian farmers with knowledge, crop nutrition solutions, and digital technologies that can help them improve their yields and quality in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.

WOFAGRIC And Gold in the Soil Awards : Empowering Women Farmers and Farmers with Disabilities in Ghana

WOFAGRIC And Gold in the Soil Awards : Empowering Women Farmers and Farmers with Disabilities in Ghana

In Ghana, women farmers, farmers with disabilities, and women in the agricultural value chain play vital roles in the agricultural sector. However, they encounter unique challenges that hinder their productivity and economic potential. Addressing these challenges requires targeted support to ensure inclusivity and prosperity in the agricultural industry.

Women are significant contributors to food production and the rural economy. Despite their crucial roles, they often face obstacles such as limited access to resources like land, credit, and training due to cultural norms and gender biases. This disparity leads to lower productivity and economic returns compared to men. Providing women with equal access to resources isn’t just about fairness; it’s a strategic move that boosts agricultural productivity, improves food security, and enhances community well-being.

Similarly, farmers with disabilities encounter barriers such as inadequate access to adaptive tools and technologies, making farming tasks challenging. Societal attitudes and a lack of awareness about disability issues further marginalize these farmers. A comprehensive approach involving adaptive equipment, specialized training, and inclusive policies is necessary to support them effectively. Raising awareness and fostering acceptance of farmers with disabilities can create a more inclusive farming community.

Ensuring equal access to land, credit, and agricultural inputs for women farmers and farmers with disabilities is fundamental. Land reform policies and financial inclusion initiatives are essential for achieving this goal. Targeted training programs that cover modern farming techniques, business management, and adaptive technologies can enhance their skills and productivity. Investment in infrastructure tailored to their needs further boosts productivity.

Advocating for gender equality and disability inclusion in agriculture is crucial. Collaboration with policymakers, financial institutions, and agricultural organizations is necessary to create an enabling environment where these groups can thrive. Building a supportive community that values and includes them is equally important, achieved through awareness campaigns and community-based support programs.

Supporting these women farmers, farmers with disabilities, and women in the agricultural value chain has been at the forefront of Agrihouse Foundation’s mission through its Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards. For the past five years, this initiative has provided a platform for women to showcase their talents, skills, and innovations in agriculture. Through leadership training, skills development, and mentorship, the initiative has empowered women to take up leadership roles, drive innovation, and contribute to the development of the agricultural sector.

As part of efforts to continuously improve and recognize the efforts of women in the agricultural industry, Agrihouse will organize the 6th edition of the Women in Food & Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards from July 9th to 10th, 2024. The theme, “Overcoming the Barriers to Women Agribusiness Development: The Role of Stakeholders,” underscores the ongoing commitment to empowering women and bridging gender gaps in the agricultural sector.

Speaking at the launch of the 6th Women in Food & Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) and Gold in the Soil Awards in Accra, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, highlighted the program’s impact: “Over the past five years, WOFAGRIC and the Gold in the Soil Awards have empowered countless women farmers and farmers with disabilities. Our initiative has provided these women with the resources, training, and recognition they need to thrive in the agricultural sector. By fostering leadership, innovation, and inclusivity, we have seen remarkable transformations in their lives and communities.”

The initiative has benefited over 8,000 women farmers, processors, and farmers with disabilities across various regions in Ghana. This year, the event will be held in the Bono Region to celebrate the resilience, innovation, and excellence of women farmers, farmers with disabilities, processors, agripreneurs, and leaders.

The Executive Director emphasized the crucial role these initiatives play in addressing the specific challenges faced by women farmers in the Bono Region. She noted that hosting the event in the Bono Region will provide a unique opportunity for farmers to directly engage with training, resources, and recognition tailored to their needs, empowering women farmers and farmers with disabilities, and allowing for a more targeted and effective response to the challenges they encounter daily.

Speaking about the challenges faced by women in agriculture, Ms. Akosa highlighted the essential contributions of women farmers to food security and economic development. She emphasized that despite their significant roles, women often encounter barriers such as limited access to resources, land, credit, and training, which hinder their productivity and economic potential.

The empowerment of women in agriculture is not just a matter of fairness; it is a strategic imperative for sustainable agricultural development,” she stated.

“When women farmers receive equal opportunities and support, it leads to increased agricultural productivity, improved food security, and enhanced livelihoods for communities.”

She urged stakeholders, including policymakers, financial institutions, and agricultural organizations, to prioritize initiatives that promote gender equality and provide targeted support to women farmers, farmers with disabilities, and women across the entire agricultural value chain.

The Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation also expressed gratitude to Global Affairs Canada and Yara Ghana for their consistent support in empowering women farmers and farmers with disabilities through the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards initiative.

This year, the Gold in the Soil Awards introduces two new categories: the Supportive Agri-Man Award and the Agri-Input Sales Woman of the Year Award, recognizing the contributions of both men and women in agriculture. The Supportive Agri-Man category honors men who support rural women producers, women-led agribusinesses, and agro-processors.

“With our visits to the farming communities, we realized that some men are really paving the way for these women farmers to succeed, so this year we are seeking to award the hard work and support of these men through the Supportive Agri-Man Award.

The Agri-Input Sales Woman of the Year category will also seek to honor young women who have significantly impacted their communities by ensuring farmers have access to essential agricultural inputs and have played a vital role in enhancing farm activities and transforming livelihoods in their respective areas.”

The Gold in the Soil Awards, held on the second day, span seventeen categories, each designed to honor and showcase the achievements of women in various facets of agriculture. These categories include the Super Woman Farmer Award, Passion for Farm Award, Outstanding Woman in Extension Services Award, Royal Agro Award, Diamond in the Rough Award, Feed to Food Awards, Change Champion Award, others includes ,She Innovates Award, Climate-Smart Women Project Award, Lady of The Region Export Award, Star Woman Agripreneur Award, She-Operates Award, Development Partner Award, Princess Carla Award, and the ultimate Gold in the Soil Award.

Adding her voice, the Country Manager for Yara Ghana Limited, Madam Theresa Randolph, reaffirmed Yara Ghana’s commitment to supporting women farmers and farmers with disabilities, aiming to foster an inclusive and vibrant agricultural sector.

 “Yara Ghana Limited is proud to partner and collaborate with Agrihouse Foundation for the 6th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and the Gold in the Soil Awards. This is part of our broader mission to promote sustainable agricultural practices and support community development.

 By focusing on the empowerment of women farmers and farmers with disabilities, and women working within the agricultural value chain on their journeys towards sustainable agriculture, resilience, and prosperity, Yara Ghana aims to contribute to a more equitable and prosperous agricultural sector in Ghana,” she added.

The Country Manager also emphasized the need for continuous collaboration among stakeholders to enhance food security and improve the livelihoods of farmers. She called on all stakeholders to work together towards creating a more inclusive agricultural sector that benefits all members of the community.

In conclusion, the 2022 winner of the Gold in the Soil Awards, Madam Evelyn Andoh, shared the impact the program has had on her farming and livelihood. “As the 2022 winner of the Gold in the Soil Awards, I have greatly benefited from the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum in numerous ways.

The training and mentorship provided have enhanced my skills in modern farming techniques, business management, and sustainability practices. The networking opportunities and exposure to innovative agricultural technologies have enabled me to improve productivity on my farm and contribute positively to food security in my community.

 Overall, the Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Awards have empowered me to become a more effective and successful farmer, leading to tangible improvements in my livelihood and the agricultural sector as a whole,” she added.

Agrihouse Foundation’s Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum and Gold in the Soil Awards have recognized and supported over 8,000 smallholder women farmers and farmers with disabilities across various regions, including the Volta, Ashanti, Upper East, Upper West, and Eastern Regions, the women through this event have gain access to training ,mentorship and training ,every year women who participate in the event are provided with fertilizers ,watering cans , Wellington boots ,nap sack sprayers ,seeds ,tricycles among others to aid in the farming ,This year, the mission continues in the Bono Region.

Join us in Sunyani, in the Bono Region, for the sixth Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Training Forum (WOFAGRIC) from Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, to Wednesday, July 10th, 2024. It promises to be an enriching experience as we gather to empower women farmers and farmers with disabilities, celebrate their achievements, and work towards a more inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector.

For more information, contact Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa at 0244623012, Regina at 0241371179, or Annibel at 0544704684.

Delta Paper Mill Ltd Strengthens its contribution to the Growth and Development of Women in Agribusiness

Delta Paper Mill Ltd Strengthens its contribution to the Growth and Development of Women in Agribusiness

Delta Paper Mill Limited, the manufacturers of flora tissue paper, top Choco chocolate spread and top Choco 3-in-1 chocolate instant mix has strengthened its commitment to supporting women, promoting agribusinesses, and advancing the agricultural sector due to the fact that most women farmers produces cocoa which helps them to produce their cocoa products.

Speaking at the 6th Gathering of the Royals organized by the Agrihouse Foundation on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, under the theme “Seeds of Change: Cultivating Gender Equality in Agriculture and Honouring Women’s Advancement,” The marketing Director of Delta Paper Mill Limited and Alpha Industry,Barbara Baaba Incoom emphasized Flora’s dedication to driving agricultural innovation and excellence, while acknowledging the pivotal role of women in agriculture and their invaluable contributions.

“Delta Paper Mill Limited proudly maintain our unwavering commitment to advancing agricultural innovation and most especially, in supporting to bring the excellence out of women farmers and women in Agribusiness.

As leaders in paper tissue industry and in sourcing local raw cocoa, for our productions, we understand the central role women play in agriculture and acknowledge their indispensable contributions,” she stated.

 she further highlighted Flora’s belief in harnessing the full potential of every individual, particularly women, recognizing their significant impact on the future of farming.

“By empowering communities and promoting gender equality initiatives, we aim to sustain inclusive growth and sustainable development in the agricultural landscape,”

Our company owes a lot of women farmers, we source our cocoa from farmers across the country, most especially women farmers. The raw cocoa is of high standards, making it easier to produce, process, package and sell at affordable prices, our range of cocoa powder and paste.

When Agrihouse foundation called on us to partner in the organization of the Gathering of the Royals, we quickly welcomed it, as it aligns with our corporate goals and objective of contributing to the development of sustainable farming and to the empowerment of women, she added.

The Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, in appreciating Flora, highlighted the significant impacts and contributions their partnership for the 6th Gathering of the Royals made in providing an invaluable platform for the over five hundred and forty-seven participants.

“I am honoured to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Flora and all our sponsors for their commitment in aligning with our vision and passion, to influence agribusiness growth and recognize women’s advancement within the sector.

Through their contributions, we were able to host a highly successful event, out of which they were able to engage in substantive discussions, exchange farming experiences and address critical issues affecting their regions and communities from enhancing access to resources to overcoming market challenges and promoting sustainable practices. These discussions play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Ghana’s agricultural sector.

The 6th Gathering of the Royals, held on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, under the theme “Seeds of Change: Cultivating Gender Equality in Agriculture and Honouring Women’s Advancement,” also included a Royal Panel discussion led by Queen Mother Nana Akuamoah II of Tuobodom. Esteemed panelists included Queen Mother Nana Auah Tawiah I of Swfi Asempa Na Eye in the Western North Region, Queen Mother Nana Adwoa Larboh I of Yji Traditional Area in the Bono East Region, as well as Miriama Saaka, Queen Mother of Sadoboora-Wungu Traditional Area in the North East Region, and Braimah Azara Kabachewurche Timu Burnyanso I, Queen Mother of Kabache-Kpeme Traditional Council in the Savannah Region. Also present were Nana Aba Kyere III, Queen Mother of Abirem Agona in the Central Region, Queen Mother Nana Amponsah Sekle II of Mafi Gidikpi Number 1 in the Volta Region, and Nana Darkowaaa Ampem Kyerewaa II, Paramount Queen Mother of Yamfo Traditional Area in the Ahafo Region.

These Queen Mothers shared insights into the challenges they face in their respective regions, which included limited access to land, lack of financial support, difficulties in accessing market linkages, absence of modern mechanized equipment for farming, inadequate road networks, lack of extension services, and absence of pension schemes for farmers, among others.

Agrihouse Foundation is assured to take driven measures in response to the challenges identified. The next line of action encompasses implementing tailored initiatives to directly tackle these obstacles, advocating for policy reforms to create a more conducive environment for women in agriculture, and offering comprehensive support services to empower women and foster sustainable practices within the agribusiness sector.

in attendance were Dignitaries including the Former First Lady Of The Republic Of Ghana, Nana Konadu Agyeman -Rawlings, Zambian High Commissioner , H.E. Execllency Timothy Mwaba Walamba, Deputy High  Commissioner Of Kenya To Ghana, Togbe Kwasinyi Kakaklo Agyemang Iv, Adidome Chief , Deputy Minister For Food And Agriculture Incharge Of Crops, Hon. Yaw Frimpong Addo ,Oyeabour Anobaa Sasraku, Larteh Sumankwaa hene and representatives from private institutions, academia, research associations, and civil society organizations making a remarkable results in building collaboration, sharing great practices, and forging partnerships focused at addressing the challenges faced by women in agriculture.

Other sponsors of the event included Agricultural Manufacturing Group Limited (AMG), Access Bank Limited, Twellium Industrial Company Limited and Rejuvenate Gaia Global Limited and Rainbow Agrosciences

AMG Reaffirms Commitment to Empower Women and Promote Agribusiness at 6th Gathering of Royals

AMG Reaffirms Commitment to Empower Women and Promote Agribusiness at 6th Gathering of Royals

Agricultural Manufacturing Group Limited (AMG Fertilizers), a local manufacturer and distributor of advanced crop nutrition performance fertilizers, has reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to supporting women, promoting agribusinesses, and advancing the agricultural sector.

Speaking at the 6th Gathering of the Royals organized by the Agrihouse Foundation on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, under the theme “Seeds of Change: Cultivating Gender Equality in Agriculture and Honouring Women’s Advancement,” the General Manager at Agricultural Manufacturing Group Limited, Mrs Dorothy Opoku ,  emphasized AMG’s dedication to driving agricultural innovation and excellence, while acknowledging the pivotal role of women in agriculture and their invaluable contributions.

“Agricultural Manufacturing Group Limited proudly reaffirms our unwavering commitment to advancing agricultural innovation and excellence. As leaders in the industry, we understand the pivotal role women play in agriculture and acknowledge their invaluable contributions,” she stated.

 She further highlighted AMG’s belief in harnessing the full potential of every individual, particularly women, recognizing their significant impact on the future of farming.

“By empowering communities and championing gender equality initiatives, we aim to foster inclusive growth and sustainable development in the agricultural landscape,” she added.

The Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, in acknowledging sponsors, emphasized the significant impacts and contributions their partnership for the 6th gathering of the Royals made in providing an invaluable platform for over one thousand participants. This included Ninety-six Queen Mothers from across the sixteen Regions, two hundred and sixty-five (265) Women Farmers And Farm Associations from across the sixteen regions of Ghana, seventy women Agri-processors commanding value and volume within the agricultural sector.

“I am honoured to extend my sincerest appreciation to our esteemed sponsors for their invaluable support and unwavering commitment to our cause.

Through their generous contributions, we have witnessed remarkable strides in empowering women in agribusiness and fostering gender equality within the agricultural sector.

‘’AMG Fertilizers stood out with their remarkable support and dedication to our mission and has played a pivotal role in creating tangible impacts and positive change. Together, we have not only created a platform for these women to dialogue but also helped them in accessing opportunities within the agricultural value chain and facilitate their empowerment and advancement promoting gender equality and empowering women in agribusiness’’.

The 6th Gathering of the Royals, held on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, under the theme “Seeds of Change: Cultivating Gender Equality in Agriculture and Honouring Women’s Advancement,” also included a Royal Panel discussion led by Queen Mother Nana Akuamoah II of Tuobodom. Esteemed panelists included Queen Mother Nana Auah Tawiah I of Swfi Asempa Na Eye in the Western North Region, Queen Mother Nana Adwoa Larboh I of Yji Traditional Area in the Bono East Region, as well as Miriama Saaka, Queen Mother of Sadoboora-Wungu Traditional Area in the North East Region, and Braimah Azara Kabachewurche Timu Burnyanso I, Queen Mother of Kabache-Kpeme Traditional Council in the Savannah Region. Also present were Nana Aba Kyere III, Queen Mother of Abirem Agona in the Central Region, Queen Mother Nana Amponsah Sekle II of Mafi Gidikpi Number 1 in the Volta Region, and Nana Darkowaaa Ampem Kyerewaa II, Paramount Queen Mother of Yamfo Traditional Area in the Ahafo Region.

These Queen Mothers shared insights into the challenges they face in their respective regions, which included limited access to land, lack of financial support, difficulties in accessing market linkages, absence of modern mechanized equipment for farming, inadequate road networks, lack of extension services, and absence of pension schemes for farmers, among others.

Agrihouse Foundation is poised to take proactive measures in response to the challenges identified. the next line of action encompasses implementing tailored initiatives to directly tackle these obstacles, advocating for policy reforms to create a more conducive environment for women in agriculture, and offering comprehensive support services to empower women and foster sustainable practices within the agribusiness sector.
The 6th Gathering of the Royals also had in attendees Dignitaries including the Former First Lady Of The Republic Of Ghana ,Nana Konadu Agyeman -Rawlings, Zambian High Commissioner , His Excellency Timothy Mwaba Walamba, Deputy High  Commissioner Of Kenya To Ghana, Togbe Kwasinyi Kakaklo Agyemang Iv, Adidome Chief , Deputy Minister For Food And Agriculture Incharge Of Crops, Hon.Yaw Frimpong Addo ,Oyeabour Anobaa Sasraku ,Larteh Sumankwaahene and representatives from private institutions, academia, research associations, and civil society organizations making a significant impacts in fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and forging partnerships aimed at addressing the challenges faced by women in agriculture.



In Ghana and Africa, an inequality persists that threatens the very foundation of agricultural sustainability: women farmers are being denied their rightful share of equal rights and opportunities, perpetuating a cycle of injustice and inefficiency.

 Despite their invaluable contributions to the agricultural landscape, women continue to face systemic barriers that hinder their ability to thrive like their male counterparts, such as limited access to land tenure, financial services, agricultural extension services, and decision-making opportunities.

By focusing on gender equity and women’s advancement in Ghana’s agricultural sector, the emphasis is placed on addressing these disparities, harnessing women’s potential as agents of change, and promoting sustainable and inclusive agricultural development.

This involves tailored interventions such as gender-sensitive policies, targeted capacity-building programs, women-led agricultural cooperatives, and initiatives to promote women’s leadership and entrepreneurship in agriculture. Ultimately, by prioritizing gender equity and women’s advancement, Ghana can unlock the full potential of its agricultural sector, drive economic growth, alleviate poverty, and achieve broader sustainable development goals.

Agrihouse foundation have  been at the forefront championing initiatives that promote women advancement in the agricultural sector ,some of this initiatives includes  woman in food and agriculture training forum and the gold in the soil awards, Agri woman market place, Agri Female Initiative, other interventions includes the Gathering Of The Royals Initiative slated for Thursday ,February 29,2024 ,at the GNAT Hall in Accra under the theme ‘SEED OF CHANGE ‘CULTIVATING GENDER EQUALITY IN AGRICULTURE  AND HONOURING WOMEN’S ADVANCEMENT.

The Gathering Of The Royals Interventional Initiative represents the meeting of queen mothers in agribusiness across all 16 regions of Ghana who are individually working to put women at the heart of food systems, within their respective regions, for the past 5 years ,the event has successfully served as a leading platform for these royals ,to engage in meaningful conversations, sharing their experience as farmers and insight on how they can effectively partner with corporate institutions, development organizations and government agencies to enhance the agricultural sector ‘s overall progress.

These women leaders discuss the key issues they face in their respective regions and communities ranging from access to resources, market challenges and the need for sustainable and smart Agricultural practices.

They collectively brainstorm and explore innovative solutions to address these challenges, with the ultimate goal of fostering a thriving and an inclusive agricultural sector.

The Gathering of the Royals, has gathered has over 2, 973 traditional leaders, women farmers, assemblymen, district chief executives, community leaders and stakeholders influencing and transforming communities, in diverse ways


1. The successful facilitation of extension support services and officers to communities that were initially not receiving support, with support by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
2. The introduction of the Royals in Agri-booster Module in 2021, where farming communities and farmers          receive various capacity building and demonstrative services to enhance yield. By this, over 10,000 farmers have received free soil testing, prior to planting, and basic input.
3. The establishment of community watch policing, across various communities to ensure sustainability of agri-peace in the farming communities, with support from the Ghana Police service.

4.  Supported to deepen and establish new relationship between traditional leaders and development agencies, to advance and scale-up farming activities within communities.

5. Created a much-needed community support avenue, for input dealers, machinery and equipment companies, financial institutions and other agencies, to introduce product and services to farming communities, thereby, increasing access to input, and enhancing speed and efficiency.

6.Successfully supported women farmers and policy makers to strengthen relationships, and work towards a common goal of developing good networking farm roads, find solutions to animal invasion of farmlands, transportation and other key resources.

The Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa speaking at a recent press briefing for the 6th gathering of the royals, outlined the event’s objective to delve into issues surrounding gender and its impact on advancing and nurturing sustainable women farmers across various regions of Ghana, while emphasizing the pivotal roles of queen-mothers in spearheading agricultural growth, development, and change within their respective regions.

Ms. Akosa passionately emphasized the significance of this year’s Gathering of The Royals as a strategic platform for influencing policy directions, forging stronger partnerships among traditional leaders, and driving comprehensive growth in the agricultural sector.

underlining the pressing need to address gender disparities within the agricultural landscape. She stressed the theme’s emphasis on cultivating gender equality in agriculture, advocating for concerted efforts to empower women in agribusiness and afford them equal opportunities for growth and advancement.ADVERTISEMENT

women often encounter systemic barriers, hindering their full participation and contribution to the sector’s development. Through this year’s 6th gathering of the royal’s event will also seek to celebrate and honour the achievements of women in agriculture, alongside championing meaningful policy interventions and support systems that promote gender equality, emphasizing the importance of fostering an inclusive agricultural ecosystem that recognizes and values the contributions of women farmers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

The Vice President for the Queen Mothers Foundation and Queen Mother for Kwamankese Traditional Area, Nana Kobiiwaa Ackwah, speaking on behalf of the President of the Queen Mothers Foundation, Nana Serwaa Bonsu, at the press briefing, stated the crucial role of Queen Mothers in driving agricultural development within their communities.

“Queen mothers are the backbone of their communities, and we play a crucial role in driving agricultural development. We know the challenges that exist in our regions, and we have firsthand knowledge of what it takes to make a difference,” she stressed. She emphasized the importance of leveraging this knowledge and expertise through collaboration with Agrihouse Foundation to find innovative solutions that can positively impact the agricultural sector across Ghana.

Nana Kobiiwaa Ackwah shared that the Queen Mothers Foundation of Ghana has been actively involved in empowering women in agriculture, providing training and resources to enhance their skills and productivity. She urged the need for continued support and partnerships to ensure the success and sustainability of these initiatives, expressing gratitude to Agrihouse Foundation for consistently creating platforms to address agricultural issues through various initiatives, reiterating their commitment to creating an inclusive and collaborative environment where the voices of queen mothers are heard, respected, and valued.

Speaking on the impact that the Gathering of the Royals has had on her region, Nana Odeitown II, Queen Mother for Tokuroano Traditional Area in the Oti region, emphasized the transformative impact of the Gathering of the Royals initiative in addressing this critical issue. With support from benevolent organizations and collaborative efforts facilitated by Agrihouse Foundation, the community was able to acquire gari processing machines, enabling local farmers to process their cassava yield efficiently.

She noted that the initiative empowered her and other community leaders with knowledge and resources, enabling them to train the youth in various agricultural practices such as groundnut processing, shea butter production, and effective gari processing techniques. “This initiative not only provided us with essential machinery but also equipped us with valuable knowledge that we could pass on to the younger generation,” she remarked. “Now, our youth are actively engaged in agricultural activities, contributing to the economic growth and sustainability of our community.”


Adding her voice, Mama Megbenya II, Queen Mother of the Hlefi Traditional Area in the Ho-West Municipality, emphasized the transformative potential of agriculture as a viable career path for women and the youth.

‘’the potential of agriculture as a sustainable livelihood option for women and youth is underestimated. I stand here today to challenge the nation and encourage our women and the youth to embrace agriculture as a viable career choice,” Mama Megbenya II stated. Drawing from her own experiences and observations within her community, Mama Megbenya II highlighted the multifaceted benefits of agriculture beyond mere sustenance. She stressed the importance of viewing agriculture not only as a means of food production but also as a source of economic empowerment and community development.

According to her by engaging in agriculture, our women and the youth have the opportunity to not only provide for their families but also contribute to the economic growth of our community, adding that agriculture fosters a sense of pride and connection to the land, instilling valuable life skills and promoting environmental stewardship.”

Mama Megbenya II, however advocated for the integration of backyard gardens into daily agricultural practices. She emphasized the potential of backyard gardens serving as an additional source of income and nutrition for families, particularly in rural areas where access to fresh produce may be limited.



Nana Serwaa Brakatuo II, Abetifi Ahakomanhemaa, also speaking at the press briefing for the 6th Gathering of the Royals, shed light on a critical issue affecting children’s perceptions of agriculture. Recognizing the profound impact of childhood experiences on future career choices, Nana Serwaa Brakatuo II addressed the detrimental practice of using weeding as a form of punishment in schools.

“It is disheartening to see that weeding, a fundamental agricultural activity, is being used as a form of punishment in our schools. By associating weeding with punishment, we inadvertently instil negative perceptions of agriculture in the minds of our children,” Nana Serwaa Brakatuo II expressed with concern.

Highlighting the importance of nurturing positive attitudes towards agriculture from a young age, Nana Serwaa Brakatuo II emphasized the need to reframe children’s perceptions of agricultural activities. She advocated for alternative disciplinary measures in schools that promote a positive understanding of agriculture and its significance in community development.

“We must recognize that agriculture is not a punishment but a noble and essential occupation that sustains life and fosters prosperity in our communities. As leaders and educators, it is our responsibility to cultivate a positive perception of agriculture among our youth,” she asserted passionately.

Nana Serwaa Brakatuo II concluded her address by calling upon school authorities, parents, and guardians to reconsider the use of weeding as a form of punishment and to prioritize the promotion of positive attitudes towards agriculture among children. She affirmed her commitment to advocating for agricultural education and empowering the youth to embrace agriculture as a rewarding and dignified profession.

The Gathering of the Royals initiative has, for the past five (5) years, established itself as a cornerstone interventional initiative, providing a vital platform for Queen Mothers in farming and other Agribusiness value chains, to engage in meaningful conversations. Together, they tackle pressing issues peculiar to their communities and Regions, such as access to resources, market challenges, and the imperative for sustainable practices.

Now in its sixth year, as part of the activities for this year, we get to celebrate women who have stood and fought positively, for gender advancement for many years while advocating for meaningful policy interventions and support systems that promote gender equality.

 The 6th Gathering of the Royals slated for Thursday 29th February 2024 promises to be a day filled with insightful discussions and valuable networking opportunities influencing policy directions, fostering stronger partnerships among traditional leaders, and driving holistic growth in the agricultural sector.

It is a leap year, and an election year, and we are positive you share in our desire for a country of co-operation and further development of sustainable farming, with peace and security, as a bedrock.

We look forward to your presence, at the 6th gathering of the royals, happening on Thursday 29th February 2024 at the GNAT hall in Accra , as we delve deeper into dialogues and action-oriented discussions, in building sustainable farmers, food systems and honoring the advancement of women in agribusinesses.

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa: A Visionary Leader Cultivating Equality in Agriculture

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa: A Visionary Leader Cultivating Equality in Agriculture

In the dynamic landscape of agriculture in Ghana, one name stands out as a beacon of change and empowerment—Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the visionary Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation. Her unwavering zeal and transformative vision is shaping a future where agriculture is not only productive but also inclusive, breaking gender barriers and paving the way for a more diverse and equitable agricultural industry.

A Visionary Leader’s Unparalleled Zeal

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s journey as the driving force behind Agrihouse Foundation is marked by a deep passion for the agricultural sector and a commitment to fostering positive change. Her leadership sets the tone, creating an environment of innovation and dedication that goes beyond conventional boundaries. With a background that intertwines agricultural expertise and visionary leadership, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa has positioned herself as a trailblazer, spearheading initiatives not only to recognize women’s contributions but also to inspire and empower them to become leaders in the agricultural sector and address the challenges faced by women in agriculture. Her focus on breaking down gender barriers aligns with a broader vision of creating an agricultural sector that values the contributions of both men and women.

Transformative Initiatives for Equality

Under Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s guidance, Agrihouse Foundation has taken on transformative initiatives, such as The Gathering of The Royals, Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Forum, And the Gold in The Soil Awards and the Agri Female initiatives which seeks to empower women in the Northern Region of Ghana but also seeks to fostering an inclusive approach by actively involving men in the process.

The foundation also facilitates projects such as Household 1 Garden, Monthly Agribusiness Skills and Jobs for the Youth Roadshow with Dr. Zee, 1st Ghana Agrochemicals and Crop Protection Exhibition Awards, Agri-woman Marketplace. Other initiatives include The Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions, Ghana Poultry Festival, Monthly Executive Beginner Agribusiness Master Class, and Livestock, Poultry, and Fisheries Training and Trade Show.

The visionary leader envisions a future where the agricultural landscape is defined by collaboration, with both genders playing pivotal roles in leadership positions. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s commitment to equality goes beyond rhetoric—it is reflected in the tangible projects and initiatives initiated by Agrihouse Foundation, such as the Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program and Husker Days events in Nebraska, USA, Additionally, Agrihouse Foundation are the franchise holders for the International Cassava Fair annually held in Brazil.

Leadership Shaping Tomorrow’s Agriculture

Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s influence extends beyond Agrihouse Foundation, as she actively engages with stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider community to advocate for a more inclusive and diverse agricultural sector.

Her collaborative approach has garnered support, not only from within the agricultural sector in Ghana but also from International  partners who recognize the impact of her leadership on shaping the future of agriculture.

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In addition to breaking gender barriers, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa envisions agriculture as a sector that embraces the youth, fostering their engagement and leadership. Through her leadership, Agrihouse Foundation is actively inspiring the next generation to see agriculture as a dynamic and rewarding career choice.

About Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa

Alberta is an Agric Advocate, intervener, initiator and implementer.  She is a passionate promoter of the Agricultural industry and a tiller of the earth herself.

Alberta is the Founder of Agrihouse Foundation, Agrihouse Communications and Shaping Conversations Africa, and the lead initiator of all the highly impactful interventions that the organization spearheads.

She is passionate and committed to making a sustainable and measurable impact within the sector, and her biggest satisfaction is to see all farmers and value chain actors happy.

Over the years, she has led her organization to make significant contributions to the development of the agricultural sector in Ghana, through her advocacies, youth driven initiatives, competence-based Training programs, leadership development and market linkages interventions