Agrihouse Foundation Welcomes You All To Our Year of Harvesting Hope, Empowering Farmers and Enriching Lives

Agrihouse Foundation Welcomes You All To Our Year of Harvesting Hope, Empowering Farmers and Enriching Lives

Agrihouse Foundation extends a warm welcome back to our esteemed Sponsors, Partners,agricultural community and   Ghanaians ,With renewed enthusiasm and a fresh surge of energy, we embark on a new chapter dedicated to fostering growth and innovation in the agricultural landscape.

The preceding years was a testament to our collective commitment to sustainable agriculture and rural development. Together, we’ve cultivated projects that left a lasting impact, disseminated agricultural knowledge, and sowed the seeds of positive change in communities nationwide.

In 2024, our excitement knows no bounds as we prepare to empower and improve the agricultural sector through our  various initiatives, including the 6th Gathering of the Royals, 7th Agricultural Students’ Career Guidance and Mentorship Dialogue Bootcamp (AG-STUD), 6th Women in Food and Agricultural Leadership Forum (WOFAGRIC), Gold in the Soil Award

also anticipate the 3RD Ghana Poultry Day , 14th Preharvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions, 3rd “Is it Possible” Monthly Agribusiness Skills and Jobs for the Youth Roadshow with Dr. Zee, 5th Livestock, Poultry, and Fisheries Tradeshow (LiPF), 13th Agriwoman Marketplace, Monthly Beginner Agribusiness Masterclass, AgriFemale Monthly Beginner Masterclass Training, International Cassava Fair, Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program, and Husker Harvest Days in Nebraska, USA, among others.

This year, we will also unveil a lineup of new projects poised to elevate our impact and empower the agricultural sector even further. Among the initiatives in the pipeline are, the 1st Ghana Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibitions & Awards (GACA), Slovenia Agric Fair (Agra Fair), and the International Chocolate Fair in Slovenia, among others.

The Executive Director for Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa expresses great enthusiasm for the this  year, emphasizing our commitment to empowering farmers and transforming the agricultural landscape. The diverse range of initiatives reflects our dedication to addressing key challenges and fostering sustainable growth. We look forward to collaborating with stakeholders and partners to make a lasting impact on the agricultural community.”

‘’As our theme for the year is “Harvesting Hope,” we are not merely embracing a tagline but a profound commitment that resonates with our mission. We are dedicated to fostering a future where hope flourishes, farmers are empowered with knowledge and resources, and lives are enriched through sustainable agricultural practices.

This theme underscores our belief in the transformative power of agriculture as a catalyst for positive change. We envision a landscape where every harvest brings not only sustenance but also hope for a better future. By empowering farmers with the tools, they need and enriching their lives through holistic development, we aspire to create a ripple effect that extends to entire communities.

In 2024, this theme serves as our compass, directing our initiatives and projects towards outcomes that align with the ethos of “Harvesting Hope, Empowering Farmers, and Enriching Lives.” It is a rallying call for all stakeholders to join hands in cultivating a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector that uplifts not only the farmers but the entire nation.


Agrihouse Foundation ‘s Alberta Speaks at the International Cassava Fair in Brazil Today

Agrihouse Foundation ‘s Alberta Speaks at the International Cassava Fair in Brazil Today

The Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, is poised to address a global audience at the International Cassava Fair in Brazil today, Thursday, November 23rd, on the topic “Leveraging International Platforms to Commodify Cassava in Ghana.”

Emphasizing the significance of commodifying cassava in Ghana, Ms. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa’s keynote address will underscore the pivotal role of international collaboration in catalysing advancements within Ghana’s cassava industry. This insightful discourse aims to position Ghana as a key player on the global agricultural stage.

This strategic initiative goes beyond showcasing the ingenuity within Ghana’s cassava sector; it also aims to foster invaluable connections and explore sustainable business opportunities within the dynamic global cassava value chain.

Ms. Akosa,  will also  shed light on the unique opportunities and challenges facing Ghana’s cassava industry, exploring avenues for collaboration with international partners, the adoption of best practices, value addition ,mechanization  and the implementation of innovative strategies to position Ghana as a major player in the global cassava market.

This focus on the immense potential of cassava as a cash crop aims to contribute significantly to food security and economic growth in Ghana.

Ms. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa ,will also delve into how Ghana can leverage the International Cassava Fair platform, to enhance value addition in processing transportation and mechanization among others .

Moreover, she will emphasize the collaborative potential of the International Cassava Fair in facilitating capacity building. This includes bringing resource persons from Brazil to Ghana, imparting valuable knowledge and skills.

Attendees at the International Cassava Fair will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the present and  future of Ghana’s cassava industry and the crucial role that collaboration on the global stage can play in its success. The event promises to be a milestone in the ongoing efforts to position Ghana as a key player in the international cassava market.

The International Cassava Fair (FIMAN), organized by Podium Alimentos in Brazil which opened on Tuesday, November 21st and expected to end on Thursday, November 23rd, 2023, represents a pivotal moment for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaborative exploration in the cassava sector .

Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to showcasing Ghana’s cassava industry on the global stage, Agrihouse Foundation, the official franchise holder for the International Cassava Fair in Ghana, lead a delegation of 17 esteemed figures across diverse sectors of the Ghanaian agricultural landscape at the International Cassava Fair in Paranavaí, Brazil.

This fair provides a unique platform for the Ghanaian delegation, comprising visionaries from various segments, including farmers, processors, input dealers, Farmer-Based Organizations (FBOs), aggregators, and other key players in the agricultural value chain.

the Ghanaian delegation are actively participating  as exhibitors, engaging  in illuminating Business Matchmaking sessions, and pursuing  collaborative initiatives with international counterparts. This multifaceted approach underscores the delegation’s dedication to not only showcasing the present capabilities of Ghana’s cassava industry but also fostering future growth through strategic partnerships.

This diverse and influential delegation not only serves as ambassadors for Ghana’s cassava industry but also positions the nation as a key player in the global agricultural landscape.

 As Agrihouse Foundation continues to lead the charge, the future of Ghana’s cassava sector looks promising, marked by innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth.

American Chamber of Commerce Awards Agrihouse Foundation for Outstanding Organization and Promotion of the 2023 U.S-Ghana Business Expo

American Chamber of Commerce Awards Agrihouse Foundation for Outstanding Organization and Promotion of the 2023 U.S-Ghana Business Expo

Agrihouse Foundation has been honoured with the prestigious American Chamber of Commerce Ghana (AmCham) Award for its exceptional organization and promotion of the 2023 U.S-Ghana Business Expo.

The distinguished accolade was presented during the 2023 AmCham Ghana Thanksgiving Dinner and Awards Night held at the Labadi Beach Hotel on Saturday, November 18, 2023, themed “U.S. and Ghana Diaspora: Agents of Development and Prosperity.”

Known for its commitment to acknowledging excellence in initiatives fostering global partnerships, the American Chamber of Commerce, Ghana (AmCham), commended Agrihouse Foundation’s unwavering dedication, contribution, and hard work in organizing and promoting the 2023 Maiden edition of the U.S-Ghana Business Expo, held at the Labadi Beach Hotel from the 10th to 11th of August 2023, under the theme “Leveraging U.S-Ghana Trade Relations for Growth and Prosperity.”

Expressing gratitude for the recognition, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, stated, “We are honoured to receive this award from the American Chamber of Commerce. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team and the collaborative spirit that propels our mission. Serving as the event organizers for the 2023 U.S-Ghana Business Expo was both a privilege and a tremendous opportunity. We extend our sincere thanks to the American Chamber of Commerce Ghana for believing in us and entrusting us with the organization of the maiden U.S-Ghana Business Expo.”

The 2023 U.S-Ghana Business Expo, meticulously executed by Agrihouse Foundation, provided a platform for fostering bilateral trade collaborations and economic growth between the United States and Ghana.

The Expo had in attendance over 800 participants, including key industry stakeholders, entrepreneurs, government officials, business leaders from both nations, and the general public.

 The expo also had in attendance, trade delegation from the U.S. Department of Commerce led Global Diversity Export Initiative (GDEI) trade delegation that included 19 companies and six trade associations, including the National Black Chamber of Commerce, the National Business League, U.S. Black Chambers Inc., Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, the National Centre for American Indian Enterprise Development, and the Organization for Women in International Trade.

The GDEI delegation represents diverse communities and industries across the United States with a focus on information and communications technology, consumer goods, and the automotive sectors.

A significant highlight of the Expo was the trade pavilion, which featured more than 40 companies. It showcased the products and services of visiting U.S. companies and trade associations, AmCham Ghana member companies, and local companies from various industries. It also provided an opportunity for participants at the event to engage in networking activities and establish strategic relationships.

The Expo yielded tangible outcomes, facilitating strategic partnerships, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and laying the foundation for sustained economic development.

Agrihouse Foundation remains committed to its mission of fostering sustainable development through initiatives that bring nations together for mutual prosperity.

Yara Ghana Limited donates GHS 20,000.00 to Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Support of 39th National Farmers’ Day Celebrations.

Yara Ghana Limited donates GHS 20,000.00 to Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Support of 39th National Farmers’ Day Celebrations.

Yara Ghana Limited has once again demonstrated its commitment to the agricultural sector by donating an amount of twenty thousand Ghana cedis (GHS 20,000.00) to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in support of the upcoming 39th National Farmers’ Day Celebrations.

The donation, presented by Yara Ghana’s Country Manager, Ms. Theresa Randolph, is part of the company’s long-standing tradition of contributing to the annual event, scheduled to take place on Friday, December 1, 2023, under the theme ‘Delivering Smart Solutions for Sustainable Food Security and Resilience,’ reflecting the ongoing efforts to enhance agricultural practices in the country.

In her statement during the donation presentation, Ms. Theresa Randolph emphasized Yara Ghana’s dedication to supporting farmers and fortifying the agricultural sector in Ghana. She highlighted the company’s consistent contributions to the National Farmers’ Day Celebrations, both in cash and kind, as part of their broader initiatives to uplift the farming community.

“As a farmer-centric company with the farmers at the core of our business, Yara Ghana always recognizes the important role they play in the country’s development, and any intervention that seeks to reward farmers deserves our support,” said Ms. Randolph.

In addition to the financial donation for the National Farmers Day Celebrations, Yara Ghana has also been actively involved in supporting farmers at various levels by donating fertilizers to farmers on a national, regional, and district level, further contributing to the growth and sustainability of agriculture in Ghana.

Hon. Yaw Frimpong Addo, the Deputy Minister for Food and Agriculture in charge of Crops and Chairman of the National Farmers’ Day Planning Committee, expressed gratitude on behalf of the Ministry for Yara Ghana’s consistent support to farmers over the years.

He commended the company for its continuous contributions to the celebration of the National Farmers’ Day and encouraged them to continue driving positive change in the agricultural sector through their various interventions, including extension support, crop clinics, research and development for cost-effective fertilizer protocols, and support for farmer-based organizations.

Yara Ghana’s ongoing commitment to the agricultural community reflects the collaborative efforts needed to ensure sustainable food security and resilience in Ghana. The company’s support goes beyond monetary contributions, encompassing a holistic approach to empower and uplift farmers across the nation.


Yara Ghana, is a leading fertilizer company established in 2007, to strengthen the high quality of input supply and related services along the agricultural value chains in Ghana.

Yara Ghana’s key focus have always been on providing Ghanaian farmers with knowledge, crop nutrition solutions, and digital technologies that can help them improve their yields and quality in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. This helps farmers achieve enhanced livelihoods while contributing to local, regional, and national food production, and to ensuring Ghana’s long-term food security.

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities in Waste Management,Fmr.Nebraska Senator Tours Accra Compost And Recycling Plant

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities in Waste Management,Fmr.Nebraska Senator Tours Accra Compost And Recycling Plant

On Wednesday, November 1st, 2023, Former Nebraska Senator and Co-founder of GhaNeb LLC, Ken Schilz, as part of his seven days’ work visit to Ghana toured the Accra Compost and Recycling Plant. with the   primary objective exploring collaborative opportunities in waste management, initiating a strategic effort to foster partnerships and exchange best practices between Ghana and Nebraska.

the  initiative Organized by Agrihouse Foundation and GhaNeb LLC, aimed at facilitating  the exchange of expertise and establishing  enduring partnerships between the two nations, with a particular emphasis on advancing sustainable waste management solutions.

During his visit, Mr. Schilz engaged in insightful discussions with the management team of the Accra Compost and Recycling Plant, led by Mr. Michael Padi Tuwor, the Managing Director.

Highlighting the significance of cross-border cooperation in environmental sustainability, the former Senator emphasized the shared responsibility in fostering globally eco-friendly practices.

“Our primary objective is to establish a robust partnership between Ghana and Nebraska in sustainable waste management,” articulated Mr. Schilz, underscoring the necessity for shared learning and joint efforts to realize common environmental conservation goals.

Accompanied by Mr. Michael Padi Tuwor, the Managing Director for Accra Compost and Recycling Plant and Team, the former Senator thoroughly examined the intricacies of the facility, meticulously studying the recycling and compost production processes.

Mr.  Micheal Padi Tuwor elaborated on the plant’s innovative methods for converting organic waste into high-quality compost, making substantial contributions to Ghana’s environmental conservation efforts.

“The Accra Compost and Recycling Plant is dedicated to sustainable waste management practices. Our expertise in transforming organic waste into premium compost significantly contributes to environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture in Ghana,so partnerships between ghana and nebraska in waste management will be a step in the right direction .” stated the managing director, emphasizing the  plant’s commitment to promoting environmentally friendly practices.

The meeting was followed by a  comprehensive tour of the plant with  provided invaluable insights into effective and sustainable waste management practices, symbolizing the potential for mutual learning and progress between Ghana and Nebraska.

the Fmr. Senator Schilz’s exploration at the Accra Compost and Recycling Plant played a pivotal role in igniting the potential for collaborations between Ghana and Nebraska. By delving into the operational intricacies of the facility, he gained valuable insights into the efficient recycling and compost production processes.

The visit facilitated an in-depth understanding of the plant’s methods for converting organic waste into high-quality compost, which significantly contributes to environmental conservation efforts in Ghana.

Pictures from the Tour of the Accra Compost and Recycling Plant 

Former Nebraska Senator,ken schilz Engages in Ghana -Nebraska Partnership Talk with Deputy Agric Minister

Former Nebraska Senator,ken schilz Engages in Ghana -Nebraska Partnership Talk with Deputy Agric Minister

Former Nebraska Senator and Co-Founder of  GhaNeb LLC ,Ken Schilz,  embarked on a purpose-driven seven-day visit to Ghana, meticulously arranged by Ghaneb LLC in collaboration with Agrihouse Foundation.
The primary objective of this strategic visit Was  to cultivate robust partnerships and foster shared opportunities and advancements between Ghana and Nebraska, focusing on Agriculture,Finance ,ICT,Exchange programs among others .Schilz, on Wednesday 1st November 2023 , engaged in a crucial meeting with Hon. Yaw Frimpong Addo,the Deputy Minister for Food and Agriculture (Crops).

This pivotal one-on-one interaction set the stage for potential collaborations, particularly emphasizing agricultural development and environmental sustainability initiatives.

During the courtesy call,Mr Schilz accentuated the shared interests and vast potential for collaboration between Ghana and Nebraska, particularly in the agricultural sphere.


“The convergence of interests between our regions holds immense promise, particularly in the agricultural landscape. The opportunities for mutual growth are abundant,” Schilz underscored.

In response, Hon. Yaw Frimpong Addo acknowledged Nebraska’s advancements in agricultural technology and emphasized the pivotal role of partnerships in advancing Ghana’s agricultural sector.“Leveraging Nebraska’s expertise and technology can be transformative for Ghana. Collaborative efforts are fundamental in driving innovation and progress in our agricultural practices,” expressed the Deputy Minister, emphasizing the potential for mutual growth.

The first day itinerary, also featured an illuminating meeting with management of  Accra Compost and Recycling Plant, and tour of the plant , guided by Mr. Michael Paidtuwor, the Managing Director. This detailed visit provided profound insights into sustainable waste management practices and showcased the scope for mutual knowledge exchange and advancements between the two regions.

Mr. Michael Paidtuwor elaborated on the plant’s pioneering methods for converting organic waste into premium compost, significantly contributing to Ghana’s environmental sustainability initiatives.

 “Accra Compost and Recycling Plant is dedicated to sustainable waste management. Our expertise in converting organic waste into premium compost is instrumental in supporting environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture in Ghana,” emphasized the Managing Director.

Looking ahead, this partnership signifies a robust alliance that could yield substantial advancements in agricultural practices and environmental sustainability. Further discussions and collaborative projects between Nebraska and Ghana promise an enduring relationship, fostering development and shared success.


Facilitating Partnerships: Ghaneb LLC and Agrihouse Foundation Foster Collaborations Between Nebraska and Ghana

Ghaneb LLC, in collaboration with Agrihouse Foundation, recently hosted the first Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program and the Husker Harvest Days event in Lincoln, Nebraska. The event,  took place from 11th to 14th September 2023 under the theme ‘Facilitating Opportunities.

The program involved meaningful discussions and presentations, offering insights into legal, agricultural, and marketing aspects. Delegates engaged in fruitful discussions with various Nebraska-based companies, exploring trade collaborations,parnerships  and business opportunities.

The visit to the Husker Harvest Days event grounds was a pivotal highlight for the Ghanaian delegates. They expressed appreciation for the cutting-edge technologies and positive interactions with exhibitors and vendors, foreseeing future collaborations.

Delegates also met with educational institutions like Southeast Community College and Nebraska State University, exploring the prospect of enrolling Ghanaian students in the near future.

The program, organized by Ghaneb LLC and Agrihouse Foundation, aims to drive innovation and growth in the agricultural sector, fostering new avenues for both regions to prosper. These collaborations are anticipated to promote sustainable practices and contribute to the growth of agricultural sectors in Ghana and Nebraska.

The Ghanaian delegation who participated in the 1st Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program and experienced the Husker Harvest Days included; Hon. Yaw Frimpong-Addo, Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture (Crops), Mr. Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress, representing former President John Dramani Mahama.
The rest were,  Dr. Ansah Solomon Gyan, Director of Crop Services at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and Michael Kofi Akoto, Trade Promotion and Commercial Officer at the Embassy of Brazil, Mr. Mohammed Mashud, Chief Executive Director of Cudjoe Abimash Farms, Nana Osuman Abdulai, Managing Director of A.N.O Enterprise/Nana Atta Akara Co. Ltd, Al-Ayadi Fares Mohammed Khear, Irrigation Service Manager at Interplast and Alhaji  Akakade Moro, Chairman of the Ghana Federation of Livestock Inter-Professionals (GHAFLIP).

Others included, Mashud Mohammed, Operation Manager at Agripower, Dorothy Opoku, General Manager of Agricultural Manufacturing Group Limited, Kwabena Danquah, General Manager of Operations at Agricultural Manufacturing Group, Janet Adade ,Chief executive officer,Elsjyne Enterprise ,Seidu Abubakar, Project Specialist for Commercial Agriculture at Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Development Project (SAPIP), and Sunkwa-Mills of T&C Farms.

Fidelity Bank’s Head of Agribusiness, Patrick Opoku, and Real Estate Investors Monica and Collins Atta Oteng, of Collinmon Investment Limited, were also present.

Picture Gallery from the First Nebraska-Ghana Trade and Investment Program and the Husker Harvest Days event in Lincoln, Nebraska